
CCSESA Common Core Leadership Planning Guide



California has a unique opportunity to improve public education by strengthening instruction, providing targeted support for English learners (ELs) and struggling learners, preparing students for the demands of the technology-reliant 21st century, and expanding pathways for students to college and career. This opportunity is made possible by the adoption of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), which are designed to increase expectations to the level of other high-performing countries, go deeper into subjects, are based on research, and provide for a more active curriculum.

The goals of the use of the CCSS in this guide include 1) addressing a persistent disparity between the performance of U.S. students and their counterparts in top-performing countries, 2) lessening the remediation rate for first-year college students, 3) improving the preparation of students for the workplace, and 4) equipping students for civic participation and reaching individual potential through the liberal arts.

Equitable implementation of the CCSS has the potential to close long-standing opportunity and achievement gaps impacting low-income students, students of color, and English learners. All standards are expected of all students.

Suggested citation
California County Superintendents Educational Services Association. (2013, October). Leadership planning guide California. Common Core State Standards and assessments implementation (1st ed.).