Publication authors


This article explores the reasons why education has become a central focus of modern societies and the largest public expenditure around the world. The state has built and expanded national education systems, made attending school mandatory, and linked adult success to academic performance. The article delves into the economic factors behind state financing and provision of schools.
Financial Analysis


The Californians will vote on Proposition 174 which will amend the state constitution to establish "scholarships" for kindergarten to 12th-grade schooling. These new schools will be publicly funded but may have privately selected governing boards and religious orientation. It is unclear whether they will be public or private schools. The paper attempts to reduce uncertainty regarding the financial consequences of the proposed voucher plan and address questions about public costs and possible cost savings.
Overview of PACE Analysis


PACE has analyzed the financial, legal, and social ramifications of Proposition 174, the school choice initiative, so as to provide Californians and policymakers with accurate, unbiased information. This packet contains important questions and answers about the initiative, summaries of PACE's financial analysis and polling report, and background information on PACE and its directors.
The School Voucher Initiative


The "Parental Choice in Education Initiative" or Proposition 174, will be voted on by Californians on November 2, 1993. PACE has conducted an analysis of the initiative's provisions to provide objective information to policymakers, parents, educators, and the public. PACE is not taking a stance on the initiative but has produced additional materials related to the initiative and the issue of school choice. These materials are listed in the attached report on school choice.
Publication author


School finance has become a prominent issue again due to court decisions and litigation in several states. This article explores school finance changes in the 70s and 80s and outlines key issues for the 90s, including the relationship between finance and education goals, site-based management, teacher pay, accountability, school choice, and nontraditional issues such as preschool and non-educational services for children.
Not Whether, But What
Publication author


Debate over school choice has been reignited due to the school reform movement and frustration with low academic achievement. The conversation becomes heated when private schools are included in the system of choice, as proponents believe it will foster competition and improve schools, while opponents argue it will harm public schools and society. This article aims to shed light on the complex issue of school choice.
A Comparison of Education Reforms in the United States and Great Britain
Publication authors


The new global economy is reshaping education worldwide, necessitating policies that expand access and enhance quality. Despite different educational systems, similar issues need to be addressed, resulting in an international convergence of education policies. The article discusses the emerging economy, educational challenges, policy alternatives, and compares recent reforms in the US and UK.