Julie Maxwell-Jolly

Julie Maxwell-Jolly
Education Policy,
Research Professional

Julie Maxwell-Jolly is an education policy expert whose career has focused largely on English learners. She has served as a senior director of policy and programs at the California School Board Association; as senior education researcher and managing director of the Center for Applied Policy in Education (CAP-Ed) at the UC Davis School of Education; and senior program officer at the Stuart Foundation. Maxwell-Jolly specializes in working to improve education outcomes for underserved and underperforming students. Maxwell-Jolly began her career as a bilingual education teacher, and she’s been an education lecturer, supervisor of student teachers, education consultant, and researcher. She received her PhD in education policy from University of California, Davis. 

updated 2007

Publications by Julie Maxwell-Jolly
Crafting Standards to Track Quality
This paper, stemming from a PACE seminar, examines the idea of crafting opportunity to learn (OTL) standards—how the state might collect and analyze indicators of school quality that are predictive of student achievement. The idea is not new. Such…
A Survey of California Teachers’ Challenges, Experiences, and Professional Development Needs
This report examines the challenges that English learners (ELs) face in California schools and the impact of policies designed to support them. It highlights the need for more effective implementation of these policies, including better training and…
Unequal Resources, Unequal Outcomes
The Williams v. the State of California class action suit, brought on behalf of poor children in that state, argues that California provides a fundamentally inequitable education to students based on wealth and language status. This article, an…