Innovations in Accountability Policy

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) makes sweeping changes to the way school performance is measured, and shifts decisions about how to define school quality and how to support struggling schools back to states and districts. The CORE Districts’ innovative accountability system is aligned with both LCFF and ESSA requirements, and already includes many measures that the State Board of Education is considering for inclusion in California’s emerging accountability system.
In this seminar Heather Hough, Rick Miller, and Noah Bookman will provide an overview of what has been learned in the first year of the CORE-PACE Research Partnership. They will focus on findings from qualitative and quantitative studies on 1) how the districts implemented their new accountability system and built local capacity to use the CORE data system to drive improvement, and 2) how CORE’s expanded measures, including surveys of students’ social-emotional skills and schools’ culture and climate, contribute to a more comprehensive picture of student achievement and school performance.
Speakers include:
- Rick Miller, Executive Director, CORE Districts
- Noah Bookman, Chief Solutions Officer, Education Analytics
Moderated by Heather J. Hough, Executive Director, PACE