Commentary author
Pega Davoudzadeh

In the U.S., school performance is a pressing concern, leading to policies like grade retention for struggling students. Several factors influence retention, including poverty, behavioral issues, and academic struggles. However, methodological flaws in previous studies have hindered a clear understanding of these predictors. A new study used robust methods and data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study–Kindergarten Cohort to analyze grade retention predictors. It found that academic readiness, particularly in reading, math, and general knowledge, strongly influenced retention, surpassing previously identified risk factors like ethnicity, English proficiency, and poverty. Interestingly, once readiness was considered, these traditional risk factors showed no significant influence. Notably, grade retention tended to occur most often by third grade. Researchers provide crucial insights for educators and policymakers to identify and support at-risk students earlier, emphasizing the importance of academic readiness in preventing grade retention.

August 25, 2015 | EdSource

An oversight committee is recommending that the U.S. Department of Education again extend a waiver from the No Child Left Behind law to six California school districts, collectively known as CORE Some of the districts had not met the deadline...

Commentary author
Holly Yettick

The investigation into how education-related research is conveyed in the media revealed a stark reality: a mere 1% of the examined news pieces referred to any research, and only a small fraction cited peer-reviewed academic studies. The majority of cited research sources came from government agencies or local districts. Challenges included time constraints for journalists, their difficulties understanding academic research methodologies, and a general lack of education in research literacy among those in the journalism field. Localism and a preference for easily understandable local content heavily influenced the selection of research cited. Additionally, education journalism lacks the structured training available in science journalism. Unlike science fields, education research is context-dependent, less definitive, and often lacks substantial funding or promotional support, leaving researchers to independently publicize their work. Despite potential flaws, peer-reviewed studies serve as a quality control measure. The study highlighted that the research-based evidence in the media might not represent the most robust or crucial work in the field, urging policymakers and the public to acknowledge the limitations of the research presented in news media.

Commentary authors
Masashi Izumi
Jianping Shen
Jiangang Xia

Researchers studied public alternative high schools for at-risk students in the United States and how school staffing and processes relate to graduation rates. They analyzed national data and found significant links between certain factors and graduation rates. Hispanic teachers positively impacted graduation rates, while certain school practices like offering summer academic programs, having consistent teachers, and avoiding traditional grading systems positively affected graduation rates as well. Conversely, practices like traditional grading or having discipline-based departments negatively affected graduation rates. These findings emphasize the need for tailored approaches in alternative schools, highlighting the importance of specific staffing and flexible school structures for at-risk students. It suggests a shift from conventional methods toward more adaptable, student-centered practices to improve the effectiveness of alternative education for at-risk high school students.

A Resource for Addressing School Bullying
Commentary author
Catherine Lewis

A new study investigated how bullied and victimized students utilize School Health Centers (SHCs) in California. They found that these students were more likely to access SHC services compared to non-bullied peers, indicating the significance of SHCs in identifying and supporting affected youth. Analyzing data from over 2,000 high school students across 14 urban public schools with health centers, several trends emerged. SHC usage was common across various ethnic groups, with a higher tendency among victimized students. Despite this, concerns about confidentiality hindered some bullied students from accessing SHC services. The study emphasizes the pivotal role of SHCs in tackling bullying through preventive measures, early detection, and intervention strategies. These centers are well-placed to partner with schools and communities, conduct screenings, and offer a range of support services, including mental health counseling. However, to address remaining confidentiality issues, SHCs must clearly communicate the confidentiality of health information. Resources from California SHC organizations and local adolescent groups can assist in making SHCs more accessible to vulnerable youth.

Commentary authors
Matthew Gaertner
Katie McClarty

California has achieved record-high high school graduation rates, but this success doesn't guarantee readiness for postsecondary education. Even students entering California State University often require remediation. National reports, like ACT's, reflect this trend with only a quarter meeting college-readiness benchmarks. While educators acknowledge this issue, the education system remains focused on completion rather than preparing students for what comes after high school. To bridge this gap, a new approach centered on readiness over completion is crucial. Traditional college-readiness evaluations, emphasizing grades and test scores, neglect crucial aspects. To address this, a middle school college-readiness index was developed, integrating diverse factors beyond academics—motivation, behavior, and social engagement—to predict high school outcomes. Surprisingly, eighth-grade indicators predict SAT college-readiness with 88% accuracy, highlighting the significance of non-academic factors. This research underscores the importance of early intervention and a holistic approach to student preparation. It suggests a shift in educational focus toward comprehensive indicators, away from the sole emphasis on grades and tests. By adopting this paradigm shift, the education system can better equip students for postsecondary success, essential in addressing growing economic disparities and realizing the educational system's promise as an equalizer in society.

June 2, 2015 | EdSource

California has its plate full implementing a range of landmark reforms, including the Local Control Funding Formula, the Common Core State Standards and a new accountability system which will go beyond just test scores and include “multiple measures.” In many...

A Call for Increased Awareness and Support
Commentary author
Tamika Gilreath

In the United States, adolescent suicide rates are concerning, with over 15% considering suicide and 7.8% attempting it. Military-connected youth, with a parent in the military, exhibit higher rates of suicidal behavior compared to their non-military peers. A new study using survey data the California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) revealed that these youth have increased odds of suicidal thoughts, planning, and attempts, even needing medical treatment for such attempts. Factors like frequent relocations and parental deployments contribute to their heightened risk, compounded by typical adolescent stressors. This calls for better identification and support for military-connected adolescents by healthcare providers, educators, and mental health professionals. Awareness of their unique challenges, including deployments and relocations, is crucial for tailored prevention and intervention strategies. Given California's high number of active military installations, targeted programs for these youth, addressing all aspects of suicidality, are particularly vital.

Commentary author
Shaun M. Dougherty

A current study is exploring the impact of additional literacy classes on average-performing middle school students, aiming to enhance their high school performance and college readiness. In a suburban district with diverse demographics, students were offered extra literacy courses if they scored below the 60th percentile in 5th-grade literacy. While the initial analysis suggested no significant impact, further investigation revealed contrasting effects based on race. Black students experienced notably negative effects, especially in predominantly white schools, seen across both state tests and national measures. Conversely, white, Latino, and Asian students showed uncertain but potentially positive impacts. These findings stress the need for tailored approaches in educational programs, indicating potential harm for initially average-literacy students. The study highlights the complexity of policy outcomes when implemented at school levels, urging policymakers to consider diverse student populations in policy design and implementation. It also underscores the importance of clear communication about policy intent and the unintended consequences of categorizing students based on criteria like cutoff scores.

Commentary author

New research investigates early absenteeism in elementary school, particularly in kindergarten, exploring factors contributing to chronic absence. While existing studies focus on individual and family-level drivers like disengagement and family structure, limited attention has been given to how early childhood programs might impact absenteeism. Analyzing a national dataset, a study reveals that attending center-based care before kindergarten associates with lower chronic absenteeism in kindergarten. However, this link isn't observed when attending such care during the kindergarten year, suggesting that pre-kindergarten experiences shape school attendance more than concurrent reinforcement during kindergarten. Chronic absenteeism affects California's educational and social systems, leading to significant costs and limiting children's potential. The findings emphasize the influential role of early childhood programs in reducing absenteeism, urging a shift from identifying contextual factors to implementing early interventions to counteract this detrimental behavior. This study's insights offer valuable data to inform truancy reduction initiatives and discussions on preventive measures.

Analyzing the Motivational Potential of Financial Awards in a TIF Program
Commentary authors
Kathleen Mulvaney Hoyer
Cara Jackson
Betty Malen
Jennifer King Rice

A new study delves into teacher perceptions of financial incentives within the context of the Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF) program, examining how rewards influence teacher behaviors and participation. It explores data from a TIF-supported program offering rewards for various achievements. Research shows diverse reactions among teachers based on payout sizes, valuing fairness, linkages to effort, and performance. Larger awards elicited more positive responses and influenced ongoing participation. However, the findings imply these incentives might draw high-performing teachers, raising questions about their impact on reshaping the teacher workforce. Teachers emphasized the importance of fair, linked-to-performance payouts to sustain their engagement in the program. The study highlights crucial design elements for incentive programs, advocating for attainable maximum awards, fairness considerations, credible performance measures, transparent eligibility criteria, and clear payout rules. It urges further research using representative data to comprehend teachers' responses to different incentive combinations over time, essential for refining educator incentive programs.

 In January 2015 EdVoice released a report evaluating school districts’ policies surrounding evaluation of educators performance entitled “Student Progress Ignored: An Examination of California school districts’ compliance with the Stull Act.” The evaluation requirements of the Stull Act, originally passed...

Good or Bad Ideas?
Commentary author
Wesley Routon

Students often interrupt their college education for various reasons, such as engaging in professional internships or taking voluntary breaks known as gap years or semesters. While past research has extensively explored the positive labor market outcomes of internships, little attention has been paid to their academic effects, or the impact of gap years, on students. In a comprehensive study examining over 100,000 undergraduate students across 463 U.S. institutions, internships emerged as beneficial, enhancing study habits, GPAs, satisfaction with coursework, future educational aspirations, and career ambitions. Conversely, gap years were linked to negative academic consequences, decreasing study habits, GPAs, satisfaction with college experiences, aspirations for further education, and interpersonal skill development, while increasing the preference for part-time employment post-graduation. The study suggests that institutions should promote and expand internship programs to support academic and career growth, while discouraging or providing disincentives for students considering gap years, highlighting the need for students to evaluate the academic implications before taking such breaks.

Commentary author
Ellen Goldring

Educational institutions are increasingly revamping teacher evaluations, integrating student performance measures and classroom observations. LAUSD’s shift in evaluation systems and Vergara v. California’s ruling against certain teacher employment statutes spotlight this transformation. However, research across six urban districts reveals shifts in the role of value-added measures in decision making. Principals find value-added data problematic due to its infrequency, complexity, and limited applicability to teachers in untested subjects. Instead, they value the transparency, timeliness, and specificity of teacher observation systems, which provide comprehensive insights into teaching practices for all educators. While acknowledging differences between value-added and observation systems, research also emphasizes the advantages of teacher observation systems in informing timely and specific decisions. Despite concerns about observation systems’ time-intensive nature and the recent legal implications, these frameworks offer enhanced transparency and actionable feedback, potentially compensating for the limitations of value-added measures. Overall, the rise of observation systems signifies a positive step in leveraging data for informed human capital decisions in education.

April 9, 2015 | EdSource

California has its plate full implementing a range of landmark reforms, including the Local Control Funding Formula, the Common Core State Standards and a new accountability system which will go beyond just test scores and include “multiple measures.” In many...

Commentary authors
Christopher Jepsen
Thomas Ahn

Immigration has surged in the U.S., leading to increased numbers of Limited English Proficient (LEP) children in public schools. States like North Carolina and Virginia have seen a doubling of LEP students in the last 15 years, with over 10% of students classified as LEP. The linguistic diversity among LEP students is vast, with Spanish, Indo-European, Asian, and Pacific Island languages being the primary spoken languages at home. This diversity in classrooms can have both positive and negative effects on student achievement. A study conducted in North Carolina middle schools from 2006 to 2012 found that an increase in LEP peers, about two students per classroom, correlated with a decline in mathematics and reading scores for non-LEP students, suggesting a negative impact. However, the mix of languages spoken by LEP students did not significantly affect the achievement of non-LEP students. For LEP students, having more peers speaking the same language positively affected reading but negatively affected mathematics achievement. The study suggests separating LEP and non-LEP students for language arts may benefit both groups, but the effects on mathematics instruction are less straightforward and might adversely affect LEP students.

Commentary author
John M. McAdams

The change in California's kindergarten entry age, moving the cutoff date from December 2 to September 1, brought about transitional kindergarten for affected children born in the transitional period. This impacted both those who delayed entry and those who didn't. Older entrants might show better readiness and learning skills compared to younger peers, a reason why parents often choose to delay their child's entry ("redshirting"). However, the benefits of this additional year might vary based on available activities. The shift also influences non-delayed children due to grade age averages affecting peer dynamics and learning. In a study assessing this change's impact on crime, incarceration rates dropped by 10-13% among those directly and indirectly affected by the entry age policy. While both groups benefitted, the reduction in crime was smaller for those delaying entry, hinting at potential harms from late entry, perhaps due to less learning during the "redshirt" year or lower educational attainment. This emphasizes early education's long-term benefits, supporting transitional kindergarten's role. Yet, caution is needed in generalizing these findings, considering the availability of alternative pre-kindergarten programs today, absent in earlier decades, possibly lessening the negative impacts of delayed entry.