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This study examines the impact of target setting for non-academic indicators on school quality ratings in CORE districts' elementary schools. The authors found that non-academic measures of school quality vary over time, are not consistently associated with demographics, and are sensitive to small changes in rating thresholds. The results suggest a need for more research on target setting for non-academic indicators in school quality systems.
The Influence of Preschool Centers on Children’s Social and Cognitive Development


Using national data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study (ECLS-K), this study examines the association between center-based care duration and intensity and pre-reading, math skills, and social behavior of young children. Children who start center care between ages two and three see greater academic gains, while starting earlier than age two may have negative social effects. Center intensity impacts academic gains for poor and middle-income children, but not wealthier children, and negatively impacts social development for Blacks and whites but not Hispanic children.