July 29, 2014 | EdSource

After nearly two decades, bilingual education in California could stage a resurgence if the state Senate approves a bill in August that would put the issue on the ballot in November 2016.

Commentary authors
Philip Gleason
Brian Gill
Christina Clark Tuttle

The KIPP network of charter schools aims to enhance academic outcomes for low-income students through rigorous standards and increased classroom time. Mathematica Policy Research conducted a study assessing KIPP's impact, accounting for the differences between students who chose KIPP and those who didn't. Analyzing 41 KIPP middle schools over a decade, they found that students in these schools demonstrated substantial growth in reading and math, equating to 90% of an extra year of math and two-thirds of a year in reading compared to their non-KIPP peers. These positive effects were consistent across most schools and extended to other subjects and low-stakes assessments. Even when employing random admissions lotteries, the impact remained significant. The reasons behind KIPP's success remain ambiguous—whether it's due to instructional strategies, drawing students from underperforming schools, or positive peer effects remains uncertain. Further research is needed to decipher these causes and determine if KIPP's methods could be broadly applicable to improve student achievement in public schools, potentially prompting the adoption of their successful practices in traditional public schools or expanding successful charter networks.

Commentary author
Matthew Steinberg

School reform emphasizes transferring decision-making power to individual schools, seen in districts like San Francisco, Los Angeles, and beyond California. Principals gain control over budgets, curricula, schedules, and professional development, aiming to enhance student learning. Yet, the impact of this decentralization on school performance remains largely unknown. In Chicago, a study of an autonomy program revealed increased reading proficiency among elementary students after two years, but no significant gains in math or overall achievement scores. Principals leaned toward autonomy in budgets and curricula. Policy suggestions arise: policymakers must allow time for schools to adapt to autonomy, understanding improvements might not be immediate. They should also avoid neglecting high- or low-achieving students in pursuit of proficiency rates, affecting school evaluations. Further research is crucial to understand how decentralized control affects academic performance, examining how school leaders leverage autonomy to assess its potential for improving schools.

Commentary author
Tomeka Davis

Proponents support school choice to enhance education, but research often overlooks its impact on school practices and achievement. A new study delves into whether charter school proximity influences school practices and its relation to math and reading achievement using Early Childhood Longitudinal Study data. Results show minimal impact on school practices based on charter proximity. Closer schools reported lower teacher absenteeism and better-aligned instruction, yet these changes did not remarkably affect reading or math achievement. Contrary to beliefs, charter growth does not appear to prompt organizational shifts in public schools due to entrenched cultural norms. Similarities between charter and public schools overshadow differences, hindering learning exchanges. Moreover, charters in disadvantaged areas may lack resources to impact public school competition. This study questions the efficacy of market-driven approaches in addressing educational challenges. Understanding the connection between competition, school practices, and student achievement is vital for directing policy initiatives effectively.

Commentary authors
Ron Zimmer

The concern over charter schools potentially excluding low-performing students has sparked debate. Analyzing a major urban district's data, researchers studied exit patterns suggesting such exclusions. Explicit evidence of schools expelling low-performing students is hard to find. Subtle methods like counseling or strict disciplinary actions might influence exits. While research is unable to confirm reasons for student transfers, data analysis did not support the claim that charter schools push out low-performing students more than traditional public schools. The study also found exiting charter students had lower performance, similar to those leaving traditional public schools. Analytical analyses, considering student characteristics, did not show evidence supporting the notion that charter schools disproportionately expel low-performing students. While findings counter the claim within our district, they are not conclusive for all settings. Variations may exist elsewhere. The researchers advocate for evidence-based discussions around charter schools, stressing the need for empirical backing before making or accepting claims about their student retention practices.

Existing Models May Not Serve English Learner Students or Their Teachers
Commentary author

States moved from assessing students' proficiency to using growth models to track academic progress. Researchers analyzed three growth models in a California district, finding more prediction errors for English learners (ELs) than non-ELs. The models often misjudged ELs as remaining non-proficient by 7th grade when they were proficient. This error was more frequent for ELs (16–28%) than non-ELs (13–17%). ELs' steeper learning trajectories might explain this discrepancy; their growth is faster despite early low scores due to language support needs. These model inaccuracies have policy implications, potentially causing unnecessary interventions and not crediting effective instruction in early grades. They could influence the selection of accountability models, especially for student subgroups. Although California hasn't implemented growth-based accountability, it's part of the Smarter Balanced Assessment plans. Notably, the LA Times used a growth model to evaluate teachers, a contentious practice in education due to concerns about validity. The study's evidence questions any model's validity assuming uniform student growth without considering a teacher's student demographics.

September 3, 2013 | USC News

Despite calls from Sacramento to reduce standardized testing in California public schools, voters strongly support the use of state standardized tests, both as an essential way to measure student performance and as an important element in teachers’ evaluations, according to...

December 12, 2012 | Education Week

Browse the NEA’s data and state rankings. With some 97,000 of its current teachers over the age of 50, California could soon be facing a “huge” teacher shortage, according to a new report by the Center for the Future of...

The Influence of Testing and Teacher Autonomy on Social Studies Marginalization
Commentary authors
Paul G. Fitchett
Tina L. Heafner
Richard G. Lambert

Elementary teachers often feel time-strapped due to high-stakes testing and curricular demands, leading to reduced focus on social studies. In states mandating social studies assessments, teachers allocate roughly 30 extra minutes weekly to social studies compared to non-testing states. Moreover, teachers perceiving more control over their teaching dedicate up to 6 additional hours to social studies. Surprisingly, factors like teacher credentials and school demographics had minimal impact on social studies teaching time. These findings emphasize the link between mandated tests, teacher autonomy, and social studies instruction. Advocating for social studies inclusion in standardized testing, while prioritizing teacher autonomy, is suggested to balance subject emphasis. Encouraging educators' independence might enhance social studies teaching despite test-centric pressures. A new study urges educational leaders to reshape policies, fostering both teacher autonomy and acknowledgment of social studies' importance within the accountability framework.

August 10, 2012 | Education Week

In a state where one in every four public K-12 students is an English-language learner, there’s a whole lot riding on how well California’s educators are able to support this population of students as they face the greater language demands...

April 1, 2012 | HTH Unboxed

Almost all the politics of education concerns rearranging adult power and privilege. Relatively little political energy is spent consciously designing a contemporary system of public education. That should change.

By focusing political energy on how students learn rather than the...

Commentary author
David Plotnikoff

The upcoming implementation of Common Core instructional standards in California is described as a significant transformation for the state's education system. Michael Kirst, President of the California State Board of Education, testified that the Common Core brings about substantial changes by emphasizing deeper learning and moving away from traditional multiple-choice testing. He outlined the extensive work required for successful implementation, emphasizing the need for new policies to align various educational aspects with Common Core standards. California, one of 45 states adopting Common Core, anticipates better alignment with post-secondary study demands, emphasizing a deeper understanding of complex material, particularly in math and nonfiction text analysis. Despite a tighter focus, the standards aim to use fewer, more impactful benchmarks. The current assessment system, reliant on standardized multiple-choice tests, is considered inadequate for measuring Common Core skills. New assessments for English and math are in development, with the state adopting the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium. The Common Core provides more curriculum flexibility, abandoning the traditional seven-year textbook adoption cycle in favor of an expedited endorsement process for local districts. Despite the complexity, Kirst expressed confidence in California's ability to navigate this transformative shift, drawing parallels to past successful educational transformations.

March 5, 2012 | Education Week

Lower transportation costs. Less money spent on facilities and overhead. Increased teacher and student attendance. And higher test scores? New research suggests, perhaps counterintuitively, that the four-day school week not only doesn’t hurt student achievement, but seems to help. The...

In 2004, leaders in the California State University system, collaborating with the state Department of Education and the State Board of Education, developed a novel and much-noted effort to help college-bound high school students determine their readiness for postsecondary academics...

April 30, 2011 | Education Week

¿Qué es lo que hace que una rama del gobierno no se vuelva demasiado poderosa? If you know the answer to this question, congratulations! If you don’t, why not? Is it because you don’t understand the checks and balances built...