August 14, 2023 | KCRW

As nearly half a million Los Angeles Unified School District students head back to school today, they’re joined by a younger cohort than in the past: 4-year-olds. The district is offering universal transitional kindergarten at every public elementary school this...


California is moving forward in the expansion of Universal Transitional Kindergarten (UTK) with schools and districts focusing on the development of facilities and appropriate staffing. But the state needs to boost its focus on high-quality teaching and learning if it is to help all students meet learning goals and ensure an effective return on the state’s investment, according to a new research analysis released today by Policy Analysis for California Education (PACE).

Commentary authors
Anna J. Markowitz
Jade V. Marcus Jenkins

California’s plan to expand Transitional Kindergarten (TK) into a universal pre-K program for all four-year-olds is a significant investment in children and families. To ensure its success, the state should learn from research on other state pre-K programs and invest in a research infrastructure for formative evaluation. Evidence from various states, including California's TK program, highlights the benefits of quality pre-K, but challenges in implementation exist. A crucial study on Tennessee’s Statewide Voluntary Pre-K (TN-VPK) showed mixed outcomes, revealing the complexities of scaling such programs. The TN-VPK study faced limitations in data collection, making it challenging to link classroom features to children’s outcomes. California must fund a research system for ongoing data collection at the child, classroom, and school level to evaluate the implementation of its universal pre-K program. This infrastructure should focus on structural classroom features, classroom interactions, children’s experiences, and details about where children spend their non-school hours. Such an approach allows for continuous improvement and learning from both successes and challenges encountered during implementation. This investment will be crucial for California's universal pre-K program to create a high-quality educational system for its children.

Suburban Superintendents Reflect and Reimagine
Commentary authors
Sara Noguchi

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed and worsened existing inequities in suburban schools across California. These inequities encompass varying educational opportunities, outcomes, and disparities in basic needs. In districts like Modesto City Schools and Ontario-Montclair School District (OMSD), the crisis unveiled issues such as food insecurity, lack of technology access, and disparities in extracurricular activities, exacerbating the preparation and opportunity gaps. However, this crisis has also spurred a readiness for change and opportunities to address these disparities. It has prompted educators and community partners to reimagine schooling with equity as a focal point, aided by federal and state funds for relief efforts. Both districts are leveraging these funds to address digital divides, expand mental health support, redesign educational programs, and enhance staff services. They aim to sustain these changes by advocating for flexibility in spending and funding mechanisms tailored to local needs, recognizing the necessity for ongoing support beyond the pandemic. Looking forward, district leaders envision a transformed education landscape that celebrates diversity and prioritizes equity.

August 6, 2020 | Los Angeles Times

Many teachers, students and their families can agree on one thing after experiencing the unexpected hurricane that was distance learning this spring: It must improve—especially in the earliest grades, transitional kindergarten through second grade. Our youngest students, from ages 4...

Commentary author

PACE Executive Director Heather Hough cautions that COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted California's education system, highlighting the state's low funding and the substantial financial shortfall necessary to meet educational objectives. Recent research indicates a need for an additional $26.5 billion annually in K–12 education to reach state achievement goals. Decades of underinvestment have left districts financially vulnerable, compounded by the economic challenges triggered by the crisis. The dependence on personal earnings for school funding could result in severe cuts, impacting critical student services and potentially leading to layoffs. School closures have underscored their role beyond education, serving as community hubs crucial for student well-being, safety, and essential services. The pandemic exacerbates existing inequalities in learning opportunities among California students. The urgent call is to recognize schools as central to communities and the state's well-being, emphasizing the necessity for significant post-crisis investments in public education as a priority for California's recovery.