November 28, 2004 | The Los Angeles Times

As teachers and principals throughout California and the country struggle to satisfy the increasing demands of the federal No Child Left Behind law, education experts and school officials say they are paying increasing attention to the middle-of-the-road students who have...

September 21, 2004 | Education Week

The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, signed into law by President Bush on Jan. 8, 2002, was a reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, the central federal law in pre-collegiate education. The ESEA, first enacted in...

January 2, 2004 | The Berkeley Daily Planet

President Bush likes to say diversity is America’s greatest strength. But when it comes to schools seeking a passing grade under the landmark education law he championed, a diverse student body can be a school district’s greatest liability, according to...

January 1, 2003 | ERIC Digests

A growing body of literature suggests that high school curriculum, especially during the senior year, is greatly lacking in academic intensity. A recent report from the National Commission on the High School Senior Year indicates that students find the last...

January 24, 2001 | Education Week

Halfway through the school year, money from California's new $66 7 million test-based awards program hasn't yet made it into either school budgets or educators' bank accounts. The effort to implement the high-profile rewards program-believed to be the largest of...

October 18, 2000 | The Los Angeles Times

A state lawmaker said Tuesday that she will ask for an investigation into a statistical anomaly that allows school scores on the Academic Performance Index to go down even if all the groups of students within the school improved their...

March 26, 2000 | Education Week

By linking schooling with a specific field or occupation, the thinking goes, students will be able to see more direct connections between education and their own futures. The idea differs from traditional vocational schools in that the schools remain essentially...

January 1, 2000 | Education Encyclopedia

Student mobility is the practice of students changing schools other than when they are promoted from one school level to the other, such as when students are promoted from elementary school to middle school or middle school to high school...