February 1, 2020 | Better Care Network

This brief identifies the steps necessary to realize an integrated system of care, reviews two current approaches, and makes recommendations—including specifying policy reforms that would promote interagency collaboration, integration, service delivery, and improved outcomes for California’s children, both with and...

January 22, 2020 | Coastal View

Governor Newsom’s proposed 20-21 state budget directs $3.8 billion in new revenue towards public schools. However, it is not enough. The California School Board Association reports that California ranks 38th nationally in school funding, $2,475 per student below the national...


The leading consortium in education policy reform and performance improvement in California bolstered its forward-looking position with the appointment of a new leadership team, Policy Analysis for California Education (PACE) announced today. PACE’s team brings a depth of experience and expertise in research and policy analysis that enable the organization to stay at the cutting edge of issues critical to the state’s education system, from early childhood to postsecondary education and training. PACE’s work is instrumental to informing policy developers and decision makers who directly impact education in California. In the months and years ahead, PACE will continue its longstanding tradition of working with researchers, policymakers, and school and district leaders to improve outcomes for California’s students.

Like their state counterparts, state boards must both respond to crises and plan ahead. A focus on creating the best possible learning for all will help educators, students, and families emerge from this crisis on a stronger footing. This issue of...

July 11, 2016 | Education Week

This is one of the most exciting, daunting and critically important moments in California’s education policy history. We are all in uncharted territory. Policymakers and educators at all levels of the system are wrestling with the virtually simultaneous implementation of...