Practice brief

Promising Practices in Local Stakeholder Engagement in School Governance

Promising Practices in Local Stakeholder Engagement
Mary Perry
California State PTA
Beth Brigante Higbee
San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools
Danny Kanga
Palmdale School District
Celia Jaffe
California State PTA
Geordee Mae Corpuz
Californians for Justice


Community engagement remains one of the most challenging expectations of California’s Local Control  Funding Formula (LCFF), so much so that state leaders have funded an initiative to support regional networks focused on engagement. This brief shares insights from a session where a lead administrator from the San Bernardino County Office provided an update on that initiative. Other speakers shared their on-the-ground experiences working with educators, parents, and students to create the relationships needed for community stakeholder engagement to be consistent, meaningful, and productive.

Suggested citation
Perry, M., Higbee, B., Kanga, D., Jaffe, C., & Corpuz, G. M. (2019, April). Promising practices in local stakeholder engagement in school governance [Practice brief]. Policy Analysis for California Education.