The Changing Role of County Offices of Education in Supporting District and School Improvement

The Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) fosters accountability through districts’ use of Local Control Accountability Plans (LCAPs) and District Dashboard metrics aligned to the state priorities. The state’s new system of support is designed to assist districts whose Dashboard results have fallen short of expectations and is intended to advance both equity and excellence by helping districts shift from a culture of compliance to one of support and continuous improvement. County Offices of Education (COEs) play a key role in the system of support, working with districts to understand their needs and coordinating resources to help them improve.
In this seminar, PACE researchers will share several pieces of new work on the changing role of COEs and lessons from early implementation of new structures. First, the LCFF Research Collaborative will present on findings from a new study that addresses two key questions:
- What supports and activities are COEs providing to districts identified for differentiated assistance?
- How do district officials experience those supports and activities?
Additionally, PACE researchers will discuss results from a COE survey and perspectives from COE superintendents about the key shifts that need to occur within COEs to support the state’s vision of continuous improvement at scale.
Participants include:
- Benjamin W. Cottingham, Associate Director of Strategic Partnerships, PACE
- Daniel C. Humphrey, independent education consultant
- Ed Manansala, County Superintendent of Schools,, El Dorado County Office of Education
- Jennifer O'Day, Institute Fellow, American Institutes for Research
Moderated by David N. Plank, Senior Advisor, PACE