COVID-19 Recovery

Covid-19 Recovery

COVID-19 has induced an unprecedented crisis in education in California. Due to the pandemic, a variety of academic, health, and social-emotional needs will emerge among California’s students. Pre-existing achievement gaps in California will likely be exacerbated as a consequence of inequities in learning opportunities across the state. PACE has activated a network of researchers to work with policymakers and education leaders to bring evidence to bear in helping California’s systems become stronger to support students in the aftermath of the crisis. The PACE COVID-19 Recovery Initiative will draw on research to inform a range of topics related to building system capacity for recovery in California schools in the COVID-19 context.

Recent Initiative Publications
Brief Cover
Evidence and Implications
When California’s students return to school this fall, schools can play a pivotal role in preventing, assessing, and addressing trauma in order to support students’ well-being. We summarize the existing evidence base on multi-tiered trauma-informed…
Report Cover
Sanger Unified and the Pivot–Sanger Multi-Tiered System of Supports Project
Equity is the consistent thread that runs through major California education policies of the last decade, which have focused on providing access and opportunity tailored to students’ needs in order to reduce disparities in learning outcomes. Equity…
Cover thumnail
A COVID-19 Recovery Strategy
Community school strategies have emerged as a promising approach to mitigate the social and learning impacts of COVID-19. This brief draws on how the crisis-motivated responses of educators and school leaders might serve as integral investments in…
PB Cottingham July 2020
Research to Guide Distance and Blended Instruction
Though the delivery of instruction in the 2020–21 school year will be altered to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, a long-standing research base on high-quality instruction can inform decisions about students’ learning and engagement. The following…