

This report examines the critical role played by California Community Colleges in extending college opportunity to all, as envisioned in the 1960 Master Plan for Higher Education. However, the foundation of this longstanding commitment has eroded, and renewed commitment to college opportunity is urgently needed in the knowledge-based, global economy. The report calls for action from educational, governmental, philanthropic, and civic leaders to renew and extend opportunities to shape California's future.


The Bridge Project, a study of K-16 issues, presents three papers on college transition. The first finds a widespread lack of knowledge about college requirements and readiness among California students and parents. The second analyzes how students receive vague signals about academic college readiness. The third provides an example of how to improve K-16 transition and send clearer academic standards signals. Policy implications include low or no-cost recommendations to address these issues.
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Senior slump is a phenomenon unique to American high schools, where students view senior year as a time for nonacademic pursuits. This report suggests curtailing senior slump to add valuable months to students' education at a critical point in their intellectual development. Policy directives are presented to help American high schools reclaim the senior year.