Public and Personal Investments, Program Patterns, and Policy Choices—Executive Summary


The California Staff Development Policy Study was initiated to assess the possibilities and limitations of staff development in improving classroom teaching and learning. The study aims to answer four questions related to California's investment in staff development, how staff development activities are administered, and how teachers and administrators judge their effectiveness. The study yields eight main conclusions, presented in terms of investment and focusing on improving the capacities and commitments of California's educators.
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This study investigates low participation in the Minimum Teacher Salary provision of SB 813, which had previously been reported by the Legislative Analyst. Only a small percentage of funds were claimed for 1983-84 and 1984-85. Researchers surveyed 48 districts in CA, showing a potential mean beginning salary of over $19K by 1985-86. The concern about underparticipation may be unfounded, as a large percentage of districts will participate, while those that do not have reasons. Large districts participate more than small and medium sized ones, and participation in rural areas is increasing.