

The 1975 Rodda Act, also known as the Education Employment Relations Act, allowed California public school teachers to collectively bargain for employment terms. Similar laws exist in 37 states based on the National Labor Relations Act. This paper advocates for transforming education labor relations to position teachers and unions as leaders in creating a 21st century education institution. The authors hope to inform discussions on improving education quality for California's 5.2 million public school students.
A Report of the California Task Force on the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards


The California Task Force on the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, consisting of educators, administrators, parents, and officials, deliberated for eight months on how a national voluntary certification system can impact California's education landscape. They explored questions on the standards, assessment methods, incentives, and potential benefits for teachers, students, and communities. The report aims to start a dialogue and encourage continued improvement in California's schools.
Recruiting and Preparing Teachers for an Urban Context
Publication author


Traditional teacher recruitment fails to meet urban area and high-demand subject needs. Alternative certification programs offer a solution but are criticized for being a "quick fix". The LAUSD Intern Program case study addresses questions on effectiveness and preparation of alternative-certified teachers. On-the-job training is context-specific and not a replacement for college-based education.