January 2, 2004 | The Berkeley Daily Planet

President Bush likes to say diversity is America’s greatest strength. But when it comes to schools seeking a passing grade under the landmark education law he championed, a diverse student body can be a school district’s greatest liability, according to...

April 10, 2002 | Palo Alto Weekly

California has spent billions of dollars to reduce class sizes in elementary grades, but studies have yet to reveal evidence the effort is improving student achievement. The state commissioned a consortium of research groups to spend four years monitoring the...

October 18, 2000 | The Los Angeles Times

A state lawmaker said Tuesday that she will ask for an investigation into a statistical anomaly that allows school scores on the Academic Performance Index to go down even if all the groups of students within the school improved their...

May 30, 2000 | The Los Angeles Times

Gov. Gray Davis and the Legislature should take a breather from ordering up sweeping education reforms and give school administrators a chance to make the existing jumble of mandates work, according to a new assessment released today by a think...

May 1, 1993 | Education Week

en years ago this spring, a federal commission released a report that shocked the nation with its grim assessment of public education. With ringing martial metaphors and a dire warning of a “rising tide of mediocrity,” A Nation at Risk...