Comparisons of Employment Outcomes with a National Sample
Commentary authors
Nathanael J. Okpych
Mark E. Courtney

Over the last 15 years, federal and California laws have aided older foster care adolescents in completing high school and accessing higher education. Education is crucial for these youths, often lacking family support. Attainment significantly influences stable employment and self-sufficiency. Despite investments, few studies focus on educational impact for foster care teens. Research in three Midwest states showed small differences in employment and earnings between those with no credential and a GED. High school diploma completion offered a substantial advantage, while some college yielded further benefits, and the highest outcomes were seen in college graduates. On average, former foster care youths earned half of their general population counterparts and faced a 22-point employment gap. However, similar education levels narrowed these gaps, with education impacting foster care youths more than their peers. GED completion didn't significantly alter outcomes, emphasizing the importance of high school diplomas. Legislation emphasizing high school completion and college entry aligns with findings. Yet, to ensure sustained support during degree completion, laws might require reevaluation or expanded partnerships. The California Fostering Connections Act extension to 21 might boost college participation, but higher earnings suggest the need for ongoing support through degree completion.

How Perceptions of Local Economic Conditions Drive Rural Youth Decision-Making About Future Residence
Commentary authors
Robert A. Petrin
Kai A. Schafft

Over decades, rural areas consistently lose younger residents, especially in economically challenged regions offering unstable work. This outmigration leads to imbalanced demographics, with better-educated individuals leaving and those remaining having lower education and incomes. This shift creates uncertainty about education's significance linked to leaving. Retaining youth becomes vital for rural areas. Recent studies suggest schools inadvertently encourage departure by prioritizing high achievers, yet research involving 9,000 rural students counters this. While high-achieving rural students tend to leave, they share strong community ties and similar desires to depart as their peers. Schools aren't actively pushing students away; instead, students' views on local economies shape their aspirations, irrespective of academic status. This emphasizes rural youths' connections and potential retention if opportunities arise. It underscores the need for national/regional policies supporting rural sustainability, addressing the wider lack of opportunities in rural America. It might not merely be local underinvestment but rather a systemic absence of regional/national investment in rural areas.

Commentary author
Christine E. Sleeter

National concern persists regarding teacher education improvement, yet consensus on effective strategies remains elusive. Emphasis lies on enhancing preservice training and professional development, requiring evidence-based approaches. However, influential studies, like the National Council on Teacher Quality's critique, lack solid evidence, relying on document analysis instead of direct assessment. Impactful teacher education research should exhibit systematic classroom effects, blending quantitative and qualitative methods on a significant scale for broader applicability. However, an analysis of 196 articles from leading teacher education journals in 2012 reveals a limited focus on the impact of teacher education or professional development on teachers and students. While these studies often showed positive outcomes, their scale and depth were insufficient to influence policy. To facilitate informed policymaking, collaboration between education bodies and policymakers is vital to identify crucial research questions. Ensuring adequate funding for comprehensive, large-scale studies is essential, given current limitations. Encouraging diverse expertise within research teams, spanning methodology and diverse backgrounds, can enrich insights and contribute to comprehensive policy formulation.

June 10, 2014 | Politico

A court ruling on Tuesday striking down job protections for teachers in California deals a sharp blow to unions — and will likely fuel political movements across the nation to eliminate teacher tenure. Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Rolf M...

In the "Autobiographical Reflections" series, Mike Kirst, Professor Emeritus in the Graduate School of Business, talks about his career in the federal government prior to Stanford, and his current role as president of the California State Board of Education (for...

Commentary author

The debate over education accountability centers on the pressure imposed by high-stakes measures, criticized for favoring high-performing schools and flawed indicators of success under No Child Left Behind. Many states and districts adopt value-added modeling, attributing student achievement changes to schools, aiming for a fairer evaluation considering various factors. A study comparing California's accountability measures (AYP and API) with value-added models in 29 elementary schools supports critiques: AYP and API strongly correlate with student backgrounds, disadvantaging low-SES schools. Conversely, the value-added approach exhibits weaker ties to background, highlighting exceptional performance in some low-SES schools without penalizing those with advanced students. It challenges the notion that sub-800 API schools are universally underperforming. This study urges a reevaluation of accountability measures, considering the benefits of value-added models that don't strongly link performance to student backgrounds. While more research is needed, these findings advocate for discussions about integrating value-added elements into current assessments to foster fairer evaluations in education.

May 27, 2014 | Education Week

The two leading candidates for California’s top K-12 spot in the June 3 primary both identify as Democrats in a technically non-partisan race. But the campaign between incumbent Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson and challenger Marshall Tuck has each...

Commentary authors
Marissa Wheeler
Allison Buttenheim

A new survey examines California elementary school officials' awareness of AB-2109, a law tightening personal belief exemptions for school immunizations. Findings revealed limited understanding among respondents, with low awareness and knowledge of the law's details. Only health workers showed better comprehension. Despite this, schools planned to communicate the requirements to parents. Yet, officials highlighted the need for more staff education, district guidance, and support materials. The survey emphasizes the necessity of further information dissemination about AB-2109 to all school staff involved in implementing immunization policies, from enrollment to parent interaction, to ensure effective compliance.

Commentary author
Daniel Bowen

The stringent focus on standardized tests in California has narrowed teaching to align with state assessments, potentially reducing exposure to subjects like the arts, especially for disadvantaged students. To test the impact of arts exposure, a large-scale experiment took students to an art museum. Results showed a significant improvement in critical thinking skills, notably among minority and economically challenged students, with a 9% increase in the critical thinking measure after the museum visit. Despite the modest intervention—a brief museum visit guided by professionals—students reaped notable benefits. This suggests that cultural institution visits could offer meaningful learning experiences. Policymakers and educators should consider targeting such opportunities, especially for disadvantaged students. The study highlights the risk of curtailing such experiences due to budget constraints and test pressures, underscoring the potential loss of valuable outcomes like critical thinking skills. Therefore, preserving or enhancing these experiences is crucial for students' holistic development, particularly for those facing economic challenges.

Commentary author
Amy Scott

Researchers examined how each state addressed specific learning disabilities (SLDs) among culturally diverse students under the Individuals with Disabilities Act. Analyzing state policies, they found 36 states lacking beyond federal guidelines, while fewer than half had specific regulations. Guidance documents varied widely, detailing practices from CLD-sensitive assessments to personnel suggestions. California included interpreter use and peer comparison for CLD students. Some states demonstrated integrated support, but California lacked this. The study urges comprehensive, integrated state-level guidance for CLD students, emphasizing coordinated communication among state departments to improve local education agency practices.

Implications for Military-Connected School Districts
Commentary author

Over the past decade, surveillance systems and surveys have emerged to monitor student health behaviors, aiding public health approaches in preventing risk behaviors and promoting health. These systems are vital for understanding problems, tracking trends, and shaping interventions. Military-related events negatively impact academic and emotional outcomes for military-connected (MC) children. The Building Capacity in Military-Connected Schools initiative, a collaboration between USC and eight districts, aims to foster inclusive and supportive school environments for both military and nonmilitary students. The California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS), a comprehensive surveillance system, mandated by the state’s Department of Education, collects data from students, parents, and school staff. The Building Capacity initiative expanded this by including modules specifically addressing military connections. Surveys revealed priorities like bullying, mental health, and threat assessment. Districts used this data to organize workshops, implement new programs, and consider policies for supporting MC students, creating safer and more tailored school environments. These surveillance systems empower districts to develop targeted, evidence-based interventions and policies based on unique school needs and shared concerns.

Commentary author
Christine E. Sleeter

On February 14, 2014, Assemblyman Alejo introduced AB 1750 to create model high school ethnic studies programs in California. Ethnic studies focuses on marginalized racial groups, counterbalancing Euro-American perspectives in the curriculum. New research reviews studies on ethnic studies' impact, indicating positive outcomes on academic engagement, achievement, and racial understanding. Programs tailored to specific racial groups often enhance academic success, particularly among students of color. Diverse curricula, addressing racism directly, benefit overall racial attitudes. In higher education, diversity experiences and cross-racial interaction positively affect students, especially White students. The evidence consistently supports the positive academic and social impact of well-designed ethnic studies programs. AB 1750 presents a promising path for California's diverse students.

Commentary author
Mimi Engel

Researchers investigated teacher hiring in Chicago Public Schools (CPS), exploring if disparities in teacher quality across schools arise from teachers' preferences or principals' hiring practices. Using data from CPS job fairs, they tracked where prospective teachers applied. Schools with fewer disadvantaged students received more applicants. Disadvantage, measured by free/reduced-price lunch eligibility, consistently predicted application rates compared to other school characteristics. Proximity to candidates' homes strongly influenced application choices; candidates favored schools closer to home. African American applicants leaned toward schools with more African American students, while Hispanic applicants preferred more limited English proficiency concentrations. Applicants with math/science degrees applied to schools with better-performing students. This sorting led to fewer applicants in certain schools. The study highlights stark differences in applicant numbers across schools, suggesting that districts may face challenges staffing geographically isolated or disadvantaged schools. Targeted efforts directing more applicants to these schools could alleviate staffing shortages and benefit underserved communities.

Commentary authors
Philip Gleason
Brian Gill
Christina Clark Tuttle

The KIPP network of charter schools aims to enhance academic outcomes for low-income students through rigorous standards and increased classroom time. Mathematica Policy Research conducted a study assessing KIPP's impact, accounting for the differences between students who chose KIPP and those who didn't. Analyzing 41 KIPP middle schools over a decade, they found that students in these schools demonstrated substantial growth in reading and math, equating to 90% of an extra year of math and two-thirds of a year in reading compared to their non-KIPP peers. These positive effects were consistent across most schools and extended to other subjects and low-stakes assessments. Even when employing random admissions lotteries, the impact remained significant. The reasons behind KIPP's success remain ambiguous—whether it's due to instructional strategies, drawing students from underperforming schools, or positive peer effects remains uncertain. Further research is needed to decipher these causes and determine if KIPP's methods could be broadly applicable to improve student achievement in public schools, potentially prompting the adoption of their successful practices in traditional public schools or expanding successful charter networks.

Commentary author
Rachel Baker

Researchers conducted a study examining the impact of individualized student coaching on college persistence rates. They partnered with InsideTrack, a coaching service, and conducted a randomized experiment involving non-traditional college students across different types of universities. InsideTrack coaches interacted regularly with students, focusing on goal setting, daily activities alignment, and skill development like time management and study skills. The coaching intervention led to a 10% increase in persistence during the treatment period and a significant 15% increase in students attending the university a year after coaching ended. This long-term impact is crucial as many interventions' effects usually fade post-treatment. Moreover, coaching was more cost-effective than other interventions like increased financial aid. While the specific mechanisms driving these effects remain unclear, the proactive and personal nature of the coaching, addressing personal struggles more than academic details, and being one of the few personal interactions for online students were noted. The study suggests that external coaching partnerships like InsideTrack could provide a scalable model to aid college persistence. This research illuminates effective strategies to address challenges hindering college student persistence.

Commentary author

In the U.S., a growing trend places over 50% of students with disabilities in general education classrooms, raising concerns about its impact. Research, focused on non-cognitive outcomes like social skills and behaviors, from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study reveals that classrooms with more disabled peers, especially those with emotional/behavioral disorders, correlate with increased problems and decreased social skills in kindergarten and first-grade students. However, factors like higher academic ability among non-disabled students, experienced teachers, fewer students reading below grade level, and increased teacher special education training can mitigate these effects. This study's significance lies in guiding California's educational policies amid efforts to integrate disabled students, emphasizing the importance of addressing non-academic outcomes crucial for overall success. Understanding these dynamics aids in creating supportive classroom environments for all affected students.

Commentary author

Researchers investigated the impact of the YMCA High School Youth Institute (YI) on low-income urban youth. The comprehensive, year-round program significantly improved the academic performance of participants compared to a matched comparison group. YI students demonstrated higher standardized test scores in English Language Arts and Math, improved attendance, and notably higher academic grades. The success of the YI program stemmed from its comprehensive structure, emphasizing positive youth development through supportive relationships, meaningful engagement, skill-building activities, and technology integration. Key strategies for such programs included diverse academic support such as daily homework assistance, college readiness programs, technology access, GPA-linked internships, and project-based learning aligned with state standards. These programs aimed to develop critical skills while nurturing creativity through hands-on, community-focused learning. Tailoring programs for low-income youth involved a focus on technology proficiency, critical thinking, problem-solving, and information accessibility. Incorporating these elements into out-of-school programs effectively attracts, retains, and positively influences the academic achievement of high schoolers from economically challenged backgrounds.