A Fresh Look at Peer Assistance and Review

Researchers examined teacher evaluation within Peer Assistance and Review (PAR) programs in Poway and San Juan, challenging the widespread belief that those fostering improvement should never assess teachers. Contrary to this idea, the integration of support and evaluation proved effective. Consulting teachers offered intense, tailored support and conducted detailed evaluations, supported by extensive documentation. A comparison between the thorough evaluations by consulting teachers and principals' assessments revealed significant differences in depth and thoroughness. The PAR governance boards played a pivotal role, ensuring rigorous evaluations, addressing operational issues collaboratively, and overseeing assessments conducted by both consulting teachers and principals. The essential fusion of accountability and support in teacher evaluations is spotlighted here—acknowledging the challenge of implementing frequent and comprehensive appraisals. This also underscores the importance of making meticulous employment decisions and advocating for collaborative structures like PAR governance boards to ensure fair and accountable decision-making. Overall, integrated support and evaluation challenge traditional assumptions in teacher assessment and emphasize the crucial role of collaborative structures in fostering fair, accountable, and comprehensive evaluations.

October 10, 2011 | Education Week

You can hardly open a newspaper or major magazine today without finding a story about another incarnation or overhaul of teacher evaluation. But underlying nearly all these detailed descriptions of state and local programs is a near-unanimous and long-standing assumption...

In 2004, leaders in the California State University system, collaborating with the state Department of Education and the State Board of Education, developed a novel and much-noted effort to help college-bound high school students determine their readiness for postsecondary academics...

The Elements of Learning 2.0
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The shift in educational paradigms—Learning 2.0—reconsiders the traditional notion of education, positioning students as the primary workers within the system. Contrary to prevailing beliefs, this perspective views students not only as recipients but also as producers of education. It emphasizes the need for students to take responsibility for their learning and seeks to motivate them by aligning educational goals with their innate desires for success. The concept of "student as worker," popularized by the late Theodore Sizer, suggests a shift from the teacher-centric model to a student-centered approach, wherein students engage actively with projects and challenges. Integrating this notion into schooling prompts discussions on student motivation, acknowledging that traditional education structures often fail to motivate due to a lack of immediate goals, a mismatch between skills and tasks, and delayed feedback. The incorporation of engaging problems, immediate feedback, and adaptive technology emerges as crucial in fostering student motivation and success within the educational landscape, aiming to transform education into a rewarding and intrinsically motivating experience for students.

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Economists distinguish between two equity principles: horizontal equity treats equals equally, advocating for the same opportunities for all students regardless of their background. Vertical equity suggests unequal treatment for unequal circumstances, providing additional support for students facing various challenges, like those from poor backgrounds or with disabilities. Balancing these principles is complex; determining which differences among students justify differential treatment poses a challenge. Recent years have seen a dominance of the idea that all students should be treated alike, overlooking the need for tailored support. This shift has led to a stalemate in discussions about alternative policies. Advocates for underserved children fear differential treatment could revive harmful tracking practices, while proponents of uniform standards worry it may excuse educators' failures. This fear of the "slippery slope" stifles productive policy conversations, limiting consideration of anything beyond uniform standards. Embracing vertical equity and exploring how schools can better address diverse student needs could invigorate policy debates and offer innovative solutions for improving education. Reaffirming the importance of accommodating varied student requirements might inject fresh perspectives into the education system's functioning.

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Assemblywoman Julia Brownley has persistently advocated for substantial changes in California's school finance system. Previous bills aimed at reform, such as AB 2159 and AB 8, focused on a weighted student formula but faced setbacks due to concerns about effectiveness and the Governor's veto. Her current proposal, AB 18, consolidates school funding into three categories: base, targeted equity, and quality instruction. While considered a step towards a weighted student formula, AB 18 maintains existing funding levels for each district rather than establishing uniform base and weight amounts across districts. The bill lacks provisions for equity adjustments, perpetuating irrational disparities in funding allocation among districts. Brownley acknowledges this flaw but understands the immense challenge in altering the amounts of funds distributed to districts. AB 18 presents improvements in simplicity and flexibility for districts but fails to rectify existing allocation disparities. While proposing a structural overhaul, it overlooks the fundamental issue of irrational variations in funding distribution across districts, which remains unaddressed in the current proposal.

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The assessment policy debate centers on the trade-off between the desire for comprehensive, accurate student performance data and the practical constraints of information's cost. A recent PACE report, in collaboration with the Rennie Center, explores innovative assessment methods promising deeper insights into student learning than current tests offer. These approaches, including computer-adaptive assessment, evaluating English learners, and virtual performance assessments, aim to enhance understanding of students' strengths and weaknesses. While improved assessments could significantly enhance educational strategies, the policy landscape presents challenges. Utilizing this richer data would demand substantial educational system changes, such as organizing and presenting vast amounts of information effectively, adapting curricula, and training teachers to interpret and apply detailed student data. These hurdles are surmountable but necessitate considerable effort. The pivotal policy question revolves around whether the benefits of enhanced assessments justify the extensive work required or if current flawed assessments are sufficient for educational goals.

Revising Identification and Reclassification Policies
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 In Southern California, initial schooling as an English Learner (EL) involved segregated classes and academic challenges. Even in later research, little progress was evident in EL programs, now termed ELD, with students sharing similar discontent. Despite my transition to English Proficient status in sixth grade, which allowed access to college prep, outdated identification policies and inadequate ELD methods persist for many ELs. Current practices, relying on the Home Language Survey (HLS) and the California English Language Development Test (CELDT), oversimplify language assessment, often misidentifying students and limiting their access to mainstream curriculums. Bilingual students face unfair burdens, and lacking English proficiency does not always hinder success in English classrooms. The flawed classification system disproportionately affects certain ethnic groups, perpetuating inequalities for low socio-economic status families and recent immigrant parents. Reforms should prioritize early support for ELs and reevaluate reclassification criteria to prevent prolonged disadvantage. Public schools must offer viable pathways to mainstream education for EL students, safeguarding their right to quality education.

May 16, 2011 | WestEd

States that have adopted the Common Core State Standards are in the early stages of revising curriculum frameworks, adopting new instructional materials, developing new assessment systems, and providing professional development for teachers to prepare them to deliver instruction aligned to...

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California stands at a critical budget juncture as Governor Brown prepares to reveal his revised budget. Promised tax extensions hinge on Republican approval for a vote, yet their refusal propels an all-cuts budget forward. Harsh education cuts loom, potentially slashing school time, enlarging class sizes, and obstructing college access. Both Democratic and Republican legislators are poised to oppose these cuts. However, the deadlock persists. Republican resistance to tax hikes remains unmoved, and budgetary strategies to balance previous budgets are nearly depleted. Californians resist both tax increases and educational cuts, creating an impasse. Three potential outcomes emerge: public outcry may pressure Republicans to safeguard schools, persuasion might sway enough Republicans to break ranks and approve tax extensions, or the state might face an all-cuts budget. While public discontent could sway Republicans, political maneuvers or an all-cuts scenario seem more plausible. Education faces dire consequences, but change may only come after enduring the Governor's grim forecast for some time.

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The prevailing educational focus on "college and career readiness" lacks consensus on defining and measuring career readiness, showcasing a deeper divide in assessment policy discussions. During the Bush administration, a stance simplifying tests to a universal concept clashed with the nuanced understanding of varied test types. This underlines a fundamental divide: comprehensive assessments seeking detailed insights into students' strengths versus standardized tests sorting students based on proficiency in specific subjects like math and English. This predominant view oversimplifies readiness, equating college and career readiness and reducing it to performance in math (such as Algebra II in California) and English. Challenging this status quo demands demonstrating how more complex assessments—providing insights into diverse skills and knowledge—justify their costs in determining students' readiness for adult life. Shifting this perspective entails proving the value of intricate assessments against the expenses, aiming to showcase how comprehensive insights into students' abilities outweigh the complexities—a challenging endeavor in assessment policy.

Revising Identification and Reclassification Policies
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Current policies for English Learners (ELs), despite Lau v. Nichols' mandate for equal educational opportunities, often lead to prolonged enrollment in language programs, hindering academic progress. Reports reveal that a significant majority of secondary ELs remain long-term learners, struggling academically due to limited English proficiency, weak academic language skills, and social isolation within linguistically segregated communities. Studies highlight inflexible reclassification criteria and inadequate interactions with English speakers as factors perpetuating prolonged EL status. Once designated EL, students often remain in English Language Development (ELD) courses for extensive periods, limiting their access to mainstream curriculum and advanced coursework essential for postsecondary education. Rigorous reclassification standards impede progress, affecting students' academic growth, particularly in subjects where language is less critical. This prolonged EL status creates learning gaps, restricting access to critical coursework and potentially impeding future academic prospects. Variations in reclassification policies exacerbate inconsistencies in EL education, lacking empirical foundations and evidence-based practices. The enduring effects of extended EL status on academic achievement and psychological well-being necessitate evidence-backed and nuanced reclassification policies, highlighting the critical need for reforms to ensure ELs' equitable access to quality education.

April 30, 2011 | Education Week

¿Qué es lo que hace que una rama del gobierno no se vuelva demasiado poderosa? If you know the answer to this question, congratulations! If you don’t, why not? Is it because you don’t understand the checks and balances built...

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In 1985, discussions around teaching debated its nature—art, science, or craft—and whether personal elements like emotions mattered. Today, our understanding has evolved: teaching encompasses art, science, and personal engagement, validated by scholars like Darling-Hammond and Freire. However, the focus on defining high-quality teaching has faded amid external influences—politicians, foundations, and neoliberal ideologies—diminishing teacher advocacy in reforms. '80s/'90s visions of teacher professionalism gave way to centralized reforms like No Child Left Behind, sidelining nuanced discussions. Present discourse lacks depth, overshadowed by a narrative of widespread educational failure. The future rejects deprofessionalizing teachers and testing-focused approaches. Instead, it advocates for valuing teachers, embracing complexity in reform, and collaborative innovation. The hope is not for endless debates but a return to collaborative efforts involving teachers, educational leaders, and thoughtful innovations for gradual school transformations. Interested individuals might explore past movements like school restructuring for insights into collaborative educational change.

Dewey Redux
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"A New Culture of Learning" by Douglas Thomas and John Seely Brown presents a vision of learning in the internet era, emphasizing continuous learning intertwined with daily life. Through the story of Sam, a 9-year-old exploring programming on Scratch, the book illustrates collaborative, imaginative learning within a community setting. The authors echo John Dewey's ideals from 1900, advocating personalized, real-world-connected education. They propose structured yet flexible learning environments, akin to multiuser computer games, challenging the industrial efficiency model dominating 20th-century education. However, implementing these ideas faces resistance from established educational institutions. The book aligns with "Learning 2.0," promoting a shift from batch processing to personalized, experiential learning. Ultimately, while technology transforms learning, societal and legislative changes are crucial to reshape education towards a more adaptable and individualized model.

Revising Identification and Reclassification Policies
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Two recent conferences shed light on critical challenges facing English Learners (EL) in education. Concerns arose regarding the accuracy of identifying EL students and the low rates of their reclassification as Fluent English Proficient (FEP). Laurie Olsen's report highlighted the issue, revealing a significant percentage of EL students failing to achieve English proficiency, impacting their access to higher education due to ineligibility for advanced coursework. California's EL student population has surged, necessitating precise identification for English language services. However, the Home Language Survey (HLS) lacks depth, relying on parental language reports without accounting for multilingual homes or actual student English proficiency. Studies have revealed inaccuracies due to parental reporting, socioeconomic factors, and complexities in language acquisition. Experts advocate for a more nuanced and rigorous classification system beyond HLS and CELDT assessments. Incorrect categorization leads to inadequate instruction, unfair assessments, and potential academic setbacks for EL students. Addressing these flaws is essential to provide equitable educational opportunities and ensure accurate academic placement for EL students.