Practice brief

Intersegmental Data Partnerships Resource Guide

Patrick Lee
Patrick Lee Consulting
Sherrie Reed Bennett
University of California, Davis
Ambar Hernandez Negrete
University of California, Davis
Michal Kurlaender
University of California, Davis


Across California, K–12 public school districts, institutions of higher education, economic development groups, and community organizations are collaborating to improve the educational and labor market outcomes of students. These collaborative efforts demand considerable commitment to a shared purpose as well as attention to the critical practices of data sharing, analysis, and interpretation. This Intersegmental Data Partnerships Resource Guide, and the accompanying Intersegmental Partnerships and Data Sharing practice brief, are products of a year-long qualitative research project exploring promising practices in data sharing and data use among intersegmental partnerships throughout California. This Resource Guide provides institutions engaged in intersegmental partnerships with resources to support the development, planning, and monitoring of their data practices.

The Resource Guide is intended to serve three purposes: (1) to be a framework to orient intersegmental leaders to the different aspects of effective strategies for data sharing and use; (2) to be a tool to facilitate reflection on current regional and institutional priority areas and data practices; and (3) to be a networking resource to identify and learn about data practices from other partnerships in the state. The guide presents the critical components of effective regional efforts around data sharing and use, with tools to dive deeper into specific factors within each of these components. While there are likely aspects of data use not covered in this guide, our goal is to translate the breadth of experiences and lessons learned from partnerships in our study into a framework for data use. This framework is supplemented with descriptions of partnership approaches and artifacts to support intersegmental leaders, data directors, and analysts.

Suggested citation
Lee, P., Reed, S., Negrete, A. H., & Kurlaender, M. (2018, July). Intersegmental data partnerships resource guide [Practice brief]. Policy Analysis for California Education.