Practice brief
Case study

Enacting Social-Emotional Learning

Practices and Supports Employed in CORE Districts and Schools
Julie A. Marsh
University of Southern California
Susan McKibben
University of Southern California
Heather J. Hough
Policy Analysis for California Education, Stanford University
Michelle Hall
Chapman University
Taylor N. Allbright
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Ananya Matewos
St. Norbert College
Caetano Siqueira
Stanford University


Social-emotional learning (SEL) refers to the beliefs, attitudes, personality traits, and behaviors that students need to succeed in school and life. Our study looks closely at ten “outlier schools” in California’s CORE districts whose students report strong social-emotional learning outcomes compared to other, similar middle schools. This brief and the infographic—based on a longer technical report—describe the surprising breadth and variety of social-emotional learning practices found in these outlier schools, as well as commonalities in their approaches and implementation challenges that some are facing. Our findings offer ideas and lessons learned that may benefit other schools and districts seeking to implement social-emotional learning at scale.

Suggested citation
Marsh, J., McKibben, S., Hough, H. J., Hall, M., Allbright, T. N., Matewos, A., & Siqueira, C. (2018, April). Enacting social-emotional learning: Practices and supports employed in CORE districts and schools [Practice brief, report]. Policy Analysis for California Education.