Opportunities for Research, Policy, and Practice


This brief discusses the challenges of fragmented and misaligned public education and proposes intersegmental collaborations as a solution. Effective collaboration between high school and college, between higher education systems, and between education and economic development sectors can increase student success. Bridging research, policy, and practice is crucial for the sustainability of these collaborations and to improve outcomes for students. The brief provides lessons for effective collaboration and highlights opportunities for bridging research, policy, and practice.
Promising Practices From the Field


California needs a longitudinal data system to improve student outcomes. Meanwhile, regional partnerships between education institutions and community organizations are using data to improve outcomes. A guide was created to help leaders with data sharing and use, and presents the components of effective regional efforts around data sharing and use, with tools to dive deeper into specific factors within each component. The guide aims to serve as a framework, tool for reflection, and networking resource for intersegmental leaders.



California's K-12 public school districts, institutions of higher education, and community organizations are collaborating to improve educational and labor market outcomes. This Resource Guide, based on a qualitative research project, provides intersegmental partnerships with tools to support the development, planning, and monitoring of their data practices. The guide includes critical components of effective strategies for data sharing and use, and can be used as a framework, reflection tool, and networking resource.
Publication author


California's education system is fragmented, with separate governance structures and funding sources for K-12, community colleges, and universities. To address educational issues, intersegmental partnerships are needed to promote collaboration among the different segments. Local partnerships can strengthen alignment in standards and expectations between K-12 and post-secondary education and help students progress through the system more efficiently.