Education finance

Education Finance

In adopting the Local Control Funding Formula, California moved from one of the least transparent school funding systems in the country to one of the most straightforward. In addition, increased revenue has helped California school district resource and expenditure levels not only recover from their post-recession lows, but also reach higher levels in 2016-17 than at any point since at least 2004-05.

However, per-pupil spending in California remains consistently below the national average, and district budgets are being impacted by rising costs associated with pensions, health care, Special Education, and facilities.

PACE research in this area is focused on building and advancing the evidence base on how to achieve equitable and adequate funding that leads to improved outcomes.

Recent Topic Publications
Spinning Out the Implications of the 'New' School Finance
Educational resources have been the subject of endless political battles, including efforts to expand resources and to equalize them. However, the connections between resources and outcomes remain obscure: real spending per pupil has increased…
Child Care Selection Under Welfare Reform: How Mothers Balance Work Requirements and Parenting
How Mothers Balance Work Requirements and Parenting
This paper examines the reasoning and experiences of mothers in selecting childcare while trying to meet welfare-to-work requirements. Three theoretical positions that have been used to look at child care selection—rational choice, structuralist,…
This report is the result of a study conducted for the Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services. With an expanding economy and increasing numbers of CalWORK's participants moving into the workforce, demand for childcare in Los…
The Influence of Family Structure, Parental Practices, and Home Language
Recent work reveals sharp disparities in which types of children participate in center and preschools. Enrollment rates are especially low for Latino children, relative to Black and Anglo preschoolers, a gap that remains after taking into account…