
Constructing a Good Fit

Improvement Team Leads’ Perspectives on Fitting Improvement Work to Their Sites
H. Alix Gallagher
Policy Analysis for California Education, Stanford University
Leah Faw
University of California, Berkeley
Danielle Jordan
Community Schools Learning Exchange
Kiley O'Meara
Education Consultant
Benjamin W. Cottingham
Policy Analysis for California Education, Stanford University


This chapter in an edited book focuses on the work of two improvement network hubs in California as they tried to support participating districts and schools to improve the proportion of students “on-track” for post-secondary success. California has a particular stake in figuring out how to support districts in consistently using continuous improvement (CI) to achieve measurable gains in student outcomes because state policy (e.g., California's Local Control Funding Formula and Every Student Succeeds Act Plan) prescribes CI as the approach to improvement in its accountability system. This chapter focuses on lessons learned from two hubs—organizations at the center of improvement networks that convene members and create conditions under which the organizations can learn from both the hub and one another. Through analyzing how these hubs worked with partner districts and schools during the 2021–2022 school year, we sought to answer the question: What hub actions support sites to construct fit, potentially positioning them to scale the work and ultimately have a sustained impact on student outcomes?

Suggested citation
Gallagher, H. A., Faw, L., Jordan, D., O'Meara, K., & Cottingham, B. W. (2023, September). Constructing a good fit: Improvement team leads’ perspectives on fitting improvement work to their sites [Article]. Policy Analysis for California Education.