Policy brief

Supporting Continuous Improvement at Scale

Supporting Continuous Improvement
Kathryn Baron
Education Reporter, Writer, and Editor
Christine Roberts
Tulare County Office of Education
Sujie Shin
California Collaborative for Educational Excellence
Yee Yang
Sacramento City Unified School District


Continuous improvement is a holistic and research-based approach to education grounded in the belief that every system is designed to achieve the results it gets; therefore, change must be systemwide, not piecemeal. California is a national leader in the continuous improvement movement that is spreading throughout local school districts as well as state and county offices of education. At its annual conference in February 2019, PACE convened a panel of California educators working on the cutting edge of continuous improvement. In this brief, they share their stories and lessons learned.

Suggested citation
Baron, K., Roberts, C., Shin, S., & Yang, Y. (2019, June). Supporting continuous improvement at scale [Policy brief]. Policy Analysis for California Education. https://edpolicyinca.org/publications/supporting-continuous-improvement-scale