A Key Investment for COVID-19 Recovery
Publication author


A healing-centered community school approach prioritizes students' physiological and safety needs to support their cognitive development. Complementary investments in policy, funding, and resources across education, health, and community development are necessary to sustain this approach. This guidance aims to help policymakers and educators use state and federal recovery resources to address immediate student needs and advance equity through sustainable systems and practices.


This brief is one in a series aimed at providing K–12 education decision makers and advocates with an evidence base to ground discussions about how to best serve students during and following the novel coronavirus pandemic. Learn more about the EdResearch for Recovery Project and view the set of COVID-19 response-and-recovery topic areas and practitioner-generated questions here. The central question of this brief is: How can schools and districts monitor students’ social and emotional well-being across the year?
Pivoting Amid COVID-19


This brief outlines Ayer Elementary's journey of continuous improvement since 2016 and how their organizational conditions were tested during the COVID-19 crisis. Despite the challenges, the school invested in improvement practices to strengthen student engagement in distance learning and build staff capacity for when students return to school.
A Rural District’s Response to COVID-19
Publication authors


COVID-19 has disrupted California’s education system in fundamental ways. Districts across the state are quickly creating strategies to serve all students, and many are designing their response around the needs of their most vulnerable students. This brief highlights the response of Mother Lode Union School District (MLUSD) to the COVID-19 pandemic, in which district staff and teachers were able to collaborate—despite the unprecedented crisis—to meet student needs.