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California aims to improve K-12 education by enhancing teacher recruitment and preparation, regulation, and professionalization. Proposed changes include establishing a California Teacher Standards Board, eliminating the emergency credential, and improving the Mentor Teacher Program. Balancing costs and practical progress toward healthier working conditions is a challenge, but a fully professionalized teaching force is key to future student success and California's position in the world.

Is the Reserve Pool a Realistic Source of Supply?


Teacher shortages in specific subjects and regions may undermine recent educational improvements in California. Proposed reforms may intensify shortages and require strong incentives to recruit sufficient numbers of qualified teachers.
Publication authors


This study investigates low participation in the Minimum Teacher Salary provision of SB 813, which had previously been reported by the Legislative Analyst. Only a small percentage of funds were claimed for 1983-84 and 1984-85. Researchers surveyed 48 districts in CA, showing a potential mean beginning salary of over $19K by 1985-86. The concern about underparticipation may be unfounded, as a large percentage of districts will participate, while those that do not have reasons. Large districts participate more than small and medium sized ones, and participation in rural areas is increasing.
California Teachers' Opinions on Working Conditions and Reform Proposals


This report resulted from an opinion survey of California teachers conducted in spring 1985. Surveys were mailed to 1,100 California classroom teachers reflecting a true cross section of all California teachers. More than 70% of those surveyed returned completed questionnaires. This unusually high rate of return, plus the representative nature of the survey sample, make it possible to generalize survey conclusions to California teachers as a whole.
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This study examines consolidation's impact on student achievement in California. It finds that consolidation leads to improved educational opportunities and cost savings. Consolidation benefits low-income and minority students and has a greater impact in rural areas. Although drawbacks exist, consolidation can be an effective strategy for enhancing education. These findings offer valuable insights for policymakers and education leaders seeking to improve student outcomes in their districts.


This report explores the role of accountability in school improvement and its potential drawbacks. While accountability can provide feedback, reorient action, and justify action, it can also lead to gross distortions and may not sufficiently incentivize teachers. The authors argue for a consensual view of the teacher's role and for parsimonious accountability schemes that enhance the quality of life among teachers. They propose design considerations that can improve the effectiveness of testing and controls to enhance the teaching profession.