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This brief explains that while the California Common Core State Standards in Mathematics require rigorous instruction for all students, those with disabilities do not always have equal access to this instruction. It recommends the use of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), a research-based framework that enables expert learners within classroom settings and maximizes engagement for all students, including those with disabilities, to provide access to rigorous, standards-based mathematics instruction for all students in California.



The Learning Policy Institute analyzed the special education teacher workforce in California and found a severe teacher shortage that could harm students with disabilities who need expert teachers the most. The report identifies the causes of the shortage and potential reasons for teacher attrition. Evidence-based policy strategies are suggested to address the issue.
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The effectiveness of general education teachers in supporting students with learning disabilities is a concern, and there is little understanding of what components of teacher preparation programs relate to teachers’ perceptions of readiness. Two studies examined survey responses from preservice teachers in the University of California’s TPPs to identify the components of preservice preparation associated with perceived readiness. The study provides recommendations for policymakers and teacher educators to improve teacher preparation programs.


This brief suggests recommendations for improving student outcomes by providing high quality and ongoing professional development to teachers, administrators, and school personnel. It identifies the achievement gap for diverse learners, including culturally and linguistically diverse students with disabilities, and offers strategies for integrating evidence-based practices into existing educational initiatives. Additionally, it outlines methods for improving the school-system climate to reduce barriers to providing and sustaining innovative training and intervention methods.
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This brief highlights California's Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), which assists struggling students. The inadequate resourcing of Tier 2 services is nevertheless preventing progress in reading and math, as California ranks 38th in the nation. Categorical funding is necessary to provide additional personnel, such as instructional aides and clerical staff, to assist teachers with implementing MTSS effectively.


This brief outlines the necessary steps to integrate care systems and improve outcomes for California's children. It suggests forming a statewide interagency leadership council and recommends policy reforms to promote collaboration, integration, and service delivery. The goal is to create a "Whole System" approach that integrates child-serving agencies and organizations. A full commitment from the state administration is needed to achieve these solutions at scale.