Education finance

Education Finance

In adopting the Local Control Funding Formula, California moved from one of the least transparent school funding systems in the country to one of the most straightforward. In addition, increased revenue has helped California school district resource and expenditure levels not only recover from their post-recession lows, but also reach higher levels in 2016-17 than at any point since at least 2004-05.

However, per-pupil spending in California remains consistently below the national average, and district budgets are being impacted by rising costs associated with pensions, health care, Special Education, and facilities.

PACE research in this area is focused on building and advancing the evidence base on how to achieve equitable and adequate funding that leads to improved outcomes.

Recent Topic Publications
Straw into Gold, Revenues into Results: Spinning Out the Implications of the Improved School Finance
Spinning Out the Implications of the Improved School Finance
Surely revenues are central to the quality of schooling—nearly everybody thinks so. Generations of reformers have come along, each needing more money. Advo­cates for equity have rediscovered inequalities in spending nearly every decade, from Ellwood…
Funding California’s Schools: How Do We Assure An Adequate Education for All?
How Do We Assure an Adequate Education for All?
Today, California's schools rank 44th in the nation in education spending. Per pupil spending for education in California amounted to $6,659 in fiscal year 2001–02 when adjusted for regional cost differences across the states. This figure…
The Unending Search for Equity: California Policy, the ‘Improved School Finance,’ and the Williams Case
California Policy, the "Improved School Finance," and the Williams Case
This article applies the logic of the ‘‘improved’’ school finance, arguing the need to understand how resources are used at the school and classroom levels. While California policies and most court cases have been seriously inadequate from this…
Seeking Equity in the Education of California's English Learners
This article provides an abridged version of a report prepared for the lawsuit Williams v. State of California. The report first examines the achievement gap for English learners in California. Second, it reviews evidence in seven areas in…