Understanding, measuring & improving student outcomes

Student Outcomes

Measuring student and school performance is critical for understanding and improving outcomes and achieving higher levels of equity in our systems. However, it is equally important to bring evidence to bear in solving problems of practice when they are revealed by data. To this end, PACE research in this topic area is focused on developing evidence to support understanding, measuring and improving student outcomes. 

Central to our vision in this area is the development of data systems that support educational improvement all all levels of the system. Our research has emphasized the importance of a comprehensive, longitudinal data system that can be used to support research, accountability, and continuous improvement

We use existing data to show how students are performing on multiple indicators, and to reveal variation across regions, student demographic groups, and schools/districts. We research how indicators of school performance can be improved over time, or better used to support accountability and improvement. Finally, PACE research products document best-practices from the literature and from leaders across the state with the goal of improving student outcomes for all California students.

Recent Topic Publications
Crafting Standards to Track Quality
This paper, stemming from a PACE seminar, examines the idea of crafting opportunity to learn (OTL) standards—how the state might collect and analyze indicators of school quality that are predictive of student achievement. The idea is not new. Such…
Rekindling Reform
Crucial Issues in California Education, 2006 provides the education community with an overview of key policy topics grounded in lessons learned from recent research and practice. Authors locate issues within the context of the state’s standards and…
Proposition 82—California’s ‘Preschool for All’ Initiative: Issues, Evidence, and Resources
Issues, Evidence, and Resources
Proposition 82 would provide at least $23 billion over the coming decade to enroll about 70% of the state’s four year olds in half-day preschool programs at no direct cost to parents. This brief sketches what’s known about California’s existing…
The Reliability of How States Track Achievement
Debate is well under way regarding the efficacy of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act, including whether this bundle of federal rules and resources is prompting gains in student achievement. Spirited conversation will intensify as the Congress…