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This report focuses on estimating the costs for California school districts to meet state-set achievement goals and how these costs differ across districts with different student characteristics. The study uses an econometric cost function approach to estimate base costs and marginal costs associated with poverty, English learners, and special education. The findings are compared with cost studies in other states and used to analyze whether the current school finance system appropriately accounts for cost differentials across districts.
What Are Their Effects, and What Are Their Implications for School Finance?
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The report explores the impact of teacher sorting, or the tendency for high-achieving students to be assigned to more effective teachers, on student achievement. It finds that teacher sorting has a significant positive effect on student achievement in both math and English language arts. The effects are particularly strong for students who start out low-achieving. The report argues that policies aimed at reducing teacher sorting, such as random assignment of students to teachers, may be counterproductive for student achievement.
Painting a Picture of Revenues and Expenditures in California’s School Districts
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The report explores the relationship between teacher experience, school characteristics, and student achievement. Teacher experience is positively associated with student achievement, particularly in schools with high concentrations of low-income students. Additionally, the authors find that school size, teacher turnover, and teacher qualifications also impact student achievement. The report concludes that policies aimed at improving teacher quality and experience can have positive effects on student outcomes, particularly in high-poverty schools.
California's High Priority School Grants Program
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The report examines the effectiveness of a large-scale performance-based incentive program in California schools. Results show that the program had a small but positive impact on student test scores in math and English, with larger effects in schools with high levels of poverty. However, the authors caution that incentive programs may have unintended consequences and should be implemented with care.

Mothers and Young Children Move Through Welfare Reform


This report discusses the lack of knowledge about the impact of welfare-to-work programs on young children since 1996, and how policy leaders are debating ways to aid jobless mothers and enrich their children's lives. The project team followed 948 mothers and preschool-age children for two to four years after the women entered new welfare programs in California, Connecticut, and Florida.
Mothers and Young Children Move Through Welfare Reform: Executive Summary


This report examines how welfare-to-work programs have affected the lives of young children since 1996, and how they've impacted the home and childcare settings in which they are raised. The study followed 948 mothers and preschool-age children in California, Connecticut, and Florida for two to four years, using interviews, assessments, and visits to homes and childcare settings. The report highlights the major findings from the study.


A study conducted for the Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services aimed to determine the supply and demand of licensed childcare in the county, with a focus on low-income communities and special types of care. The survey analyzed data at three levels: county-wide, service planning areas, and supervisorial districts. Results showed disparities in childcare supply across the county, with shortages in special types of care and little information on where childcare is needed.
California's School Voucher Initiative—Proposition 38


Proposition 38 allows parents in California to obtain a state chit worth $4,000 and move their child from public to private school, which would significantly affect school financing. This policy brief addresses six key questions about the proposal, including its differences from the 1993 voucher initiative, which families would benefit, how it would impact school spending and taxpayers, and the success of voucher experiments in raising achievement.
Minority Pay Gap Widens Despite More Schooling, Higher Scores
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African Americans and Latinos historically have lower educational attainment, achievement, and wages compared to whites. Narrowing education gaps between minorities and whites should narrow wage gaps. This report analyzes whether California's education gap improvement between minorities and whites led to a parallel reduction in wage gaps. The report finds that the educational attainment and achievement of California's minority youth improved significantly from the 1970s to 1988.
California K–12 Education 1991–1995
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This report discusses the importance of forecasting revenues and expenditures for public sector planning and budgeting. It highlights three characteristics of California's recent experience. First, K-12 funding rose 91% from 1980 to 1989, but real revenue growth was tempered by inflation. Second, California relies more on state revenues for K-12 education than the rest of the US. Third, California's "effort" in raising K-12 revenues in 1986 was lower than the US average, and revenue efforts for both schools and other public functions are below the national average.