Abundant Hopes, Scarce Evidence of Results—Executive Summary
Public education in the US is widely criticized and everyone wants to reform it, but there's no consensus on the best strategy for improvement. This report focuses on school choice, a reform avenue gaining steam in California and the US, to explore policies and institutional changes that can boost children's learning.
Abundant Hopes, Scarce Evidence of Results
Public education receives criticism from various stakeholders. Despite satisfaction with local elementary schools, overall quality concerns prevail. There is no consensus on the best approach to improve schools. PACE report investigates school choice, which is a reform strategy gaining popularity in California and beyond.
A Reappraisal
This report challenges the belief that public schools are ineffective due to a lack of accountability for producing high academic achievement. Some argue that private management is necessary for improvement, but this report seeks to analyze the range of responses that schools have to accountability and determine whether market forces are necessary for improvement.
How Do Local Interests and Resources Shape Pedagogical Practices?
Bilingual education implementation varies by district due to discourse and policies. Four issues affecting implementation are teacher recruitment, "ghettoization" of bilingual education, race relations, and community consensus. National debates impact local administrative actions, defining bilingual education practice. The report analyzed four California school districts to show the impact of these four issues on program design.
California Families Face Gaps in Preschool and Child Care Availability
This report highlights the unequal distribution of preschool and childcare opportunities in California. Despite spending $1.2 billion annually, half of preschool-age children live in households with working mothers, with enrollment dependent on income and location. Counties vary greatly in their supply, with affluent parents more likely to find preschool or childcare slots. Latino children are hit hardest, even in counties with ample supply, with supply in predominantly Latino areas half that of low-income Black or Anglo communities.
Standards and Assessments
This study traces California's curriculum-related reforms in mathematics and science during the 1990s, examining the role of the California Department of Education and the state's shifting political and policy context. It analyzes the perceptions of state officials, experts, and the public and how they influenced state policy changes. The authors raise questions about problems associated with curriculum policy in California and presents policy recommendations mentioned during interviews and document analysis. The study does not assess the impact of curriculum on school practice.
The Influence of Household Support, Ethnicity, and Parental Practices
An investigation of the family factors and practices that influence parents' choice of center-based programs for young children. Maternal education, child's age, and availability of social support were found to be significant factors in center selection. African-American families were more likely to choose center-based care than white or Latino families, and parental practices related to early literacy development and close supervision also affected center selection. The study highlights the importance of considering selection processes when assessing the effects of early childhood programs.
I apologize, let me try to summarize the article more concisely. The article discusses the California Learning Assessment System (CLAS), which aimed to align the state's testing system with the content of what was taught in schools and better measure student performance through performance-based standards and assessments. However, CLAS faced opposition from various groups and was ultimately discontinued. The case offers lessons for reformers about the politics of testing policy in the US and the difficulties of large-scale transformation of state assessment systems.
Child Care and Development Services for Children and Families—Phase III Final Report, Part 2
Phase III of the California Cares report sought to analyze preliminary recommendations and involve the childcare and development community to redesign policies. Work groups and field representatives discussed proposals for improving services, with over 80 contributors. The project studied nine critical policy restructuring questions and Part Two of the report includes reports from eight tasks and summary information.
Child Care and Development Services for Children and Families—Phase III Final Report, Part 1
Phase III of the California Cares report aimed to redesign childcare and development policy, with input from the community and representatives from three agencies. Work groups and traditional research projects were conducted to study nine questions deemed critical to policy restructuring. Part II of the report includes working papers for all tasks except state governance, which is included in Phase III.
The California Learning Assessment System (CLAS) was created in 1991 to replace its predecessor and align California's testing system with state curricular frameworks, measure attainment of content through performance-based assessment, and provide individual student assessment. However, objections from various groups led to its discontinuation. CLAS serves as an example of the difficulties in implementing authentic forms of assessment and the politics involved in testing policy reform in the United States.
Results of the PACE 1996 Poll
A 1996 statewide poll by PACE surveyed Californians on their views and expectations for public schools, informing policy discussions. Results revealed four broad themes and their relevance to ongoing education policy discussions, such as redesigning statewide assessments, reforming traditional school governance, providing public funds for private schools, and complex issues of local control. PACE believes public perceptions should be considered in policy discussions, although education policy should not be solely based on public opinion polls.
The education productivity problem is rising resources but only modestly rising student achievement. Current education reform aims to produce higher student achievement with stable resources. Low student performance may be due to declining social and economic conditions, lack of hard work by students, and lack of parental support. However, research focuses on what schools can do to improve productivity by controlling and improving student achievement. Both education programs and finance structures need to be restructured to accomplish productivity challenges.
California's History in Child Care and Development
New curriculum manuals have been created to address the expanding field of school-age childcare, including Kids' Time: A School-Age Care Program Guide. Other widely-recognized materials include Just Kids, Preparing for Mass Disasters, and A Guide for Training and Recruiting Child Care Providers to Serve Young Children with Disabilities. The benefits of childcare include fully-employed parents, self-sufficient families, and children who succeed in school due to the aid of childcare programs. Reducing Exceptional Stress and Trauma, a guide on coping with violence, will be published this year.
Child Care and Development Services for Children and Families—Phase II Final Report Executive Summary
The California Cares Project, conducted by PACE for the California Department of Education, Social Services & Office of Child Development & Education, culminates in this report. The project was initiated in response to AB 2184, which sought to consolidate all childcare and development programs to streamline the system. The report is divided into two parts: Part I analyzes current obstacles to a seamless system and Part II presents a conceptual model and decision procedure for program and funding allocation and governance. Phase III will refine recommendations and work towards implementation.
This report is part of the Poverty and Race Research Action Council's state data reconnaissance project, which aims to provide a guide to education data available in California for researchers and policymakers. PACE gathered the education data, which is presented in a catalogue of raw data sets and published reports from state, federal, and non-governmental agencies, along with a matrix showing which data are collected by which sources. Appendices provide more detail on specific data sets.
Child Care and Development Services for Children and Families—Phase I Final Report
The California Department of Education, Social Services, and Governor's Office of Child Development and Education selected PACE to analyze issues and options for improving California's childcare system. PACE will produce a report with optional approaches for improving access, quality, and funding of childcare services, including alternative systems and policy models. Phase I includes analysis of childcare issues and programs, literature reviews, and experiences of other urban states. This report summarizes Phase I's work.
This is the ninth edition of Conditions of Education in California. In this volume, PACE has compiled information on current critical issues in state education policy and presented them within the context of major policy developments. "Evolving Context" introduces the current issues in the state and sets the stage for the remaining chapters, which are Assessment and Achievement, Finance, Teachers and Teaching, Integrated Children's Services, Child Care and Development Services, and School-to-Work.
A Plan for California’s Schools
In 1990, PACE issued a plan for CA schools, addressing the challenges of explosive growth, increasing diversity, and lagging student achievement. Five years later, PACE has revised the plan to include measurable statewide education goals, a new student assessment system, teacher education reforms, and the goal of English proficiency for all students. Other recommendations include school finance reform, coordination between schools and social services, evaluation of local reform efforts, experiments to improve student achievement, and linking school-to-career policy with education reform.
The article discusses the importance of parent involvement in education and its effects on student achievement. It suggests that schools need to create a welcoming environment for parents and engage them in meaningful ways, such as through volunteering and decision-making committees. Additionally, the article emphasizes the need for schools to provide information and resources to parents, especially those who are disadvantaged, to ensure that they are equipped to support their children's learning at home.
The seventh edition of Conditions of Education in California by PACE focuses on education policy issues in a national context. The report analyzes California's education data by placing it in multi-state, national, and international contexts. The report's first three chapters analyze evolving education policy issues, Sacramento political dynamics, and student achievement. The remaining three chapters provide longitudinal data on student enrollment, finance, and system characteristics. The report aims to provide a continuing picture of education in California.
Remembering the "Forgotten Half"
US high school students, especially those who do not attend college, have been found to lack skills and knowledge necessary for the job market. The California Partnership Academies program has been developed to address this issue and has been adopted by over 50 high schools. The program has received support and positive evaluations. Factors contributing to the issue include societal changes, the education system, and changes in the labor market. If these issues are not addressed, the US risks falling behind international competitors and a lower standard of living.
School finance has become a prominent issue again due to court decisions and litigation in several states. This article explores school finance changes in the 70s and 80s and outlines key issues for the 90s, including the relationship between finance and education goals, site-based management, teacher pay, accountability, school choice, and nontraditional issues such as preschool and non-educational services for children.
Traditionally, educational evaluation has focused on measuring student achievement and program performance. However, education reforms are now linking schooling to economic development, leading to a shift towards managerial expectations and politicization of the field. This article explains the human capital imperative and its relation to education, summarizes the history of educational evaluation, and outlines an alternative model for educational appraisal in the context of government-led education system reforms aimed at enhancing national economic growth.
The U.S. ranks low in international education comparisons, but the discussion is misleading because it does not look at postsecondary education. The value added by the postsecondary education system, including community colleges, trade schools, and universities, is ignored. The U.S.'s strongest suit is probably its entire postsecondary education system in the international arena.