The 2022 PACE/USC Rossier Poll


The 2021-22 academic year in California was challenging for public education due to eight issues that threaten student learning, schools, and public education itself, including gun violence, declining enrollment, and long-term funding inadequacy. These issues also have a disproportionate impact on marginalized communities and highlight long-standing systemic inequities. In July 2022, PACE and USC Rossier School of Education conducted a poll of California voters to determine their views and priorities on public education.

Evidence from the 2021 PACE/USC Rossier Annual Poll


The 2021 PACE/USC Rossier poll examines Californians’ views on higher education during COVID-19, highlighting equity and affordability. Californians recognize college affordability as crucial and support remote learning options, community college funding, loan forgiveness, and equitable admissions. However, they worry that increased access may compromise education quality and believe that universities should only consider academic and extracurricular qualifications, not race or income. Political affiliation and race influence perceptions.
Evidence from the 2021 PACE/USC Rossier Poll


The brief reports on California voters’ attitudes and engagement with local school district governance using data from the 2021 PACE/USC Rossier Poll. The findings show high support for school boards, but less satisfaction with their performance during the pandemic. Engagement patterns changed with some voters becoming more involved due to dissatisfaction with the educational system. The report highlights patterns of racial, socioeconomic, and partisan divisions in school district governance, with Black and low-income voters being the most dissatisfied.
Views from the 2021 PACE/USC Rossier Poll


Growing inequities and lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic together with billions of dollars in new funding present an opportunity to make substantial changes to K–12 education to better serve all students in California. In May 2021, PACE and USC Rossier School of Education fielded our annual poll of California voters, which sought to gain clarity about voters’ priorities on public education issues during this period in which Californians are beginning to look towards a postpandemic future. The following are 10 key findings from the poll.
Insights from California's Local Control Funding Formula


This policy brief focuses on California’s Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) to provide guidance for involving the public in goal setting and resource distribution decisions. It highlights weak accountability for using public funds by LCFF’s target populations, low awareness and engagement among stakeholders, and a gap between interest and participation. To improve engagement, it suggests investing in communication, targeting a range of stakeholders, and capacity building.
Evidence from the 2020 PACE/USC Rossier Annual Poll


We use data from the 2020 PACE/USC Rossier annual voter poll to report on California voters’ attitudes towards educational equity policy initiatives, specifically: (a) increasing the number of public school teachers of color in California and (b) requiring all high school students in California to complete an ethnic studies course. A majority of voters supported these initiatives. Respondents showed higher levels of support for increasing the number of teachers of color when informed about the positive academic impact this would likely have for students of color. Support varied depending on...

Views from the 2020 PACE/USC Rossier Poll


In the run-up to 2020 elections, where do California voters stand on key education policy issues? This report examines findings and trends from the 2020 PACE/USC Rossier poll. Key findings include rising pessimism about California education and elected officials, continued concern about gun violence in schools and college affordability, and negative opinions about higher education. However, there is substantial support for increased spending, especially on teacher salaries.