1986–87 Evaluation Report
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The Edna McConnell Clark Foundation's School-to-Work and Academy Demonstration programs aim to help disadvantaged high school students transition to work. This evaluation covers the 1986-87 school year and includes a process component that describes each program, and an outcome component that tracks program and non-program students on retention, attendance, credits earned, courses failed, grade point averages, standardized test scores, and surveys. Seven cities were included, with programs varying in structure and age. Evaluation of student outcomes showed varying effects from site to site.
A By-Product of Reform


The Policy Analysis for California Education (PACE) Project provides nonpartisan information to policymakers about California's education system. Their "Conditions of Education in California" report is a yearly benchmark for policymakers. PACE also studies in-depth information on California's education system, including the impact of legislation on schools and the performance of students. Their research is widely distributed among education groups and citizens.
Bridging the Gap Between Policy and Research
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Michael Kirst, professor at Stanford University and former president of the California State Board of Education, is interviewed by People in Education Evaluation and Research (PEER). Kirst co-directs the Policy Analysis for California Education (PACE) project, an independent education policy center that provides unbiased research to legislators and policy makers. With Kirst's extensive experience in education and government, he is uniquely qualified to understand multiple sides of educational issues.
California's Community Colleges in the Post-Proposition 13 Period
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The passage of Proposition 13 in 1978 sent shockwaves through California's community colleges, affecting all aspects of their operations. The crisis exposed the colleges' lack of preparedness for such magnitude, leaving them grappling to cope with chaos. This article looks at California's experience and highlights critical elements necessary for recognizing problems and mitigating chaos. Educational leadership will need to be adept at ambiguity and conflict resolution as the future promises to be more complex and unpredictable. Finance, mission, and governance are the three key areas of focus.
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In 1985, the Policy Analysis for California Education (PACE) convened a group of attorneys and education policy experts to discuss the effect of Senate Bill 813 on teacher dismissal. They explored varying interpretations of its provisions, contrasted practical experiences with legislative intentions, and outlined recommendations to improve the dismissal process. This summary analysis includes a brief discussion of relevant court rulings and no attempt has been made to update the information since its initial publication.
Publication authors


This report discusses the decline in vocational education enrollment in California and its potential impact on noncollege-bound students' high school completion rates. Questions remain about the objectives of vocational education and whether it should prioritize skill training for entry-level jobs or emphasize academic skills for a working life of continual learning. PACE recommends a re-examination of curricular changes with a special focus on transitions occurring in vocational education due to enrollment declines and changes in the US job structure.
A Study of Year-Round Education in California


As California schools face increasing enrollment and competition for resources, many have turned to year-round education as a solution. However, little is known about the educational impact of year-round programs. This report analyzes and synthesizes information on all schools with year-round programs in California, presenting issues to inform decision makers at both local and statewide levels. It is the first attempt to provide a statewide perspective on year-round education.
Results of a PACE Survey
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This study evaluates the effectiveness of fact-finding in resolving disputes among California's public school employees. A PACE survey found that respondents overwhelmingly viewed the fact-finding process as assisting parties in reaching a settlement, with few recommending alterations to the process. Characteristics of parties involved were rated as the number one reason for initiating fact-finding, with neutrals and parties generally rating each other positively. However, one in four parties rated neutrals as relatively ineffective, highlighting the need to improve the quality of neutrals.
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This report provides an overview of California's school finance system, including selected school finance facts; descriptions of the general revenue limit and categorical programs funding formulas; and, for each program, the amount appropriated for 1986-87, the number of districts participating, and number of students served.


PACE, a university-based research center, provides "nonpartisan, objective, independent" information on K-12 schooling in CA. Its analyses have been invaluable to lawmakers and educators during the state's active education-reform period. PACE has played a growing role in debates on school issues, exemplified by a heated debate in the CA legislature over the Commission on Teacher Credentialing. PACE offers a model for providing data for education policies when many states are seeking broader information bases. It has helped provide a better understanding of what is happening in education.
A Critical Linkage
Publication author


New requirements for admission to California State University (CSU) have led to increased pressure on high schools to improve their academic offerings. This, combined with increased funding, has resulted in marked improvements, including more academic course sections and enrollments in college preparatory courses. The pressure for change and higher expectations have been consistent across multiple sources, resulting in a more coherent pattern of academic coursework in California high schools.
Publication authors


The California Senate Office of Research has commissioned PACE to investigate how to expand public school programs to reduce dropout rates for high-risk students, particularly pregnant and parenting adolescents. The study involves examining secondary sources, conducting surveys of junior and senior high schools, unified and high school districts, and assessing implementation costs. The project is funded in part by the National Conference of State Legislators and the United States Office of Educational Research and Improvement.
School Uses of Lottery Revenue—Year One
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The report discusses the implementation and impact of California's State Lottery. During its first year of operation, the lottery generated $1.77 billion in ticket sales, with $689 million going towards public education. However, the article highlights the uncertainty surrounding the use of these funds and concerns about the reliability of the lottery as a source of education revenue. The study surveyed California K-12 public school districts regarding their use of lottery revenues and attitudes towards the program.
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California's higher and lower education systems are inadequately coordinated, resulting in negative effects on teacher quality and disruptive changes in admission requirements. The low status of teacher training in universities and the irrelevance of education research to teaching needs exacerbate the problem. Four complex policy areas require consideration: teacher preparation, admission policies, education research, and statewide education coordination. To benefit students at all levels, effective planning and coordination are critically important, extending beyond voluntary efforts.
Can the Two Policies Be Compatible?
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California adopts strategies to fuse comprehensive education reforms with special-needs curricular services for economically disadvantaged students. Both compliance and assistance mechanisms, as well as top-down and bottom-up tactics, are key to improving education for regular and categorical program students. Evidence suggests excellence and equity are compatible, but whether these strategies improve student performance is unclear.
Publication author


California aims to improve K-12 education by enhancing teacher recruitment and preparation, regulation, and professionalization. Proposed changes include establishing a California Teacher Standards Board, eliminating the emergency credential, and improving the Mentor Teacher Program. Balancing costs and practical progress toward healthier working conditions is a challenge, but a fully professionalized teaching force is key to future student success and California's position in the world.



This paper argues that the components of educa­tional provisions which satisfy private demands, mythology aside, almost invariably win out over the public goods components. If true, this leads, on the one hand, to a diminished supply of social benefits, and, on the other, to a stifling of social mobility. Insofar as these arguments are correct, they also may apply in most coun­tries of the world, whether capitalist or socialist.

1985–86 Evaluation Report


Peninsula Academies are three-year high school programs designed for at-risk students, combining academic and technical training. Since 1981, they've been operating in California, and in 1985, ten new programs were created under state sponsorship. This report evaluates the quality of implementation and evidence of measurable impact on students after the first year. The report is based on site visits, questionnaire responses, and student data gathered from each high school. The Academy model is complex, but some sites didn't fully realize all components.
The Next Needed Education Reform
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Educational reform in the US has shifted from equal opportunities to greater school productivity. There are some positive results with increased enrolment in academic courses, rigorous textbooks, and raised admission standards for higher education. However, fundamental components of the reform are at odds with the dynamics of organizational revitalization. Without policies that unleash productive local initiatives, the reform is likely to lose momentum, eroding citizens' confidence in schools and generating public resources for them.
Evaluating Omnibus Education Reforms in the 1980s


The study examines curricular changes in California's high schools from 1982 to 1985, a period of educational reforms aimed at increasing academic rigor. The state mandated more extensive graduation requirements while universities adjusted their entrance requirements. A sample of 20 comprehensive high schools shows increased academic offerings in math, science, and advanced placement, and decreased offerings in industrial arts, home economics, and business education, reflect statewide trends.


Continuing growth and sustained progress on educational reform characterize California's public schools, but the Gann spending limit, which potentially restricts state dollars for education, and projected shortages of highly qualified teachers dampen prospects for continued educational improvements. Indications of important educational progress in California, which PACE documented in Conditions of Education in California, 1985, continue on many fronts. This is particularly true when compared to the recent decade of serious decline in California's public school system.
Is the Reserve Pool a Realistic Source of Supply?


Teacher shortages in specific subjects and regions may undermine recent educational improvements in California. Proposed reforms may intensify shortages and require strong incentives to recruit sufficient numbers of qualified teachers.
Recent Research on the Federal Role in Education
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This article reviews the literature on federal involvement in U.S. elementary and secondary education, from the 1960s to the present day. The federal government's share of spending has decreased since the 1980s, and regulatory pressures have subsided. However, this review identifies trends and themes that have emerged in the literature since the 1980s, encompassing both empirical research and normative commentaries. A literature review primarily focuses on work completed after the early 1980s research syntheses and excludes judicial policies.
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Before the 1970s, public school finance issues were mainly related to spending inequalities. However, since then, the focus has shifted towards financing education to improve its quality. This article suggests new research directions for school finance that address this policy interest, including topics related to state education reforms, traditional school finance issues, and education policy issues beyond current reforms.
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This article addresses two conflicting trends in U.S. education. On one hand, there is a considerable expansion of statewide controls of education, including new statewide accountability schemes. On the other, there is a resurgence of interest in the professionalization of teaching. These trends are conflicting—at least for the moment­—because state accountability has tended to bureaucratize education and not pay sufficient attention to its impact on the professional dimension of teaching.