Their Possibilities and Limits
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The voluntary nature of student support services in California Community Colleges means that many students who need them do not use them, due to competing demands or stigma. The lack of funding for student services and the prevalence of adjunct faculty further complicates their use. Challenging conventional practices and norms of community colleges could make the entire enterprise of developmental education more effective.


The University of California (UC) requires the SAT or ACT as part of their admissions process, but critics argue that these tests have flaws and are biased. This brief suggests that state-mandated standardized tests used to monitor student progress in secondary education, such as the CST exam in California, could be a suitable substitute for college entrance exams. The analysis in this brief shows that the CST exam offers similar predictive power for college performance and persistence at UC, compared to the SAT.
The Landscape and the Locus of Change
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This PACE working paper examines six types of innovations to improve developmental education in California Community Colleges: individual practitioner efforts, departmental developments, learning communities, K-12 initiatives, Faculty Interest Groups, and innovation from the middle. The authors find that there are many good ideas for improving developmental education, but success depends on nurturing the right conditions for innovation. Innovation from the middle, with the joint efforts of senior-level faculty and middle-level administrators, seems necessary for widespread reform.
The Dominance of Remedial Pedagogy
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This working paper examines the instructional triangle of basic skills education in California Community Colleges through classroom observations in 13 colleges. The study identifies the prevalence of remedial pedagogy, which relies on sub-skill drill and practice and lacks connections to subsequent courses or adult roles. This approach is ineffective and violates precepts of effective instruction. The paper outlines alternatives to remedial pedagogy, including hybrid and constructivist teaching. These alternatives are further developed in Working Paper 3.
Framing the Issues in Community Colleges
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This paper series addresses the issue of basic skills instruction in California Community Colleges. The problem is twofold: a high proportion of students enter college needing developmental courses, and these students are unlikely to move into college-level work. The research focuses on instructional issues, with observations and interviews to understand classroom and institutional settings. The subsequent papers in the series will cover various hypotheses for why success rates in basic skill instruction are not higher.


This report provides policy guidance for new state assessments aligned to Common Core State Standards. It aims to inform the work of the two consortia funded by the U.S. Department of Education in developing the assessments. The report includes three papers addressing issues of computer adaptive assessments, assessment of English learners, and assessing science. The authors' vision of new assessments goes beyond the horizon of current practice and emphasizes the need to use new technologies to provide useful and timely information to students and teachers.
The Case for Contextualized Developmental Math
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This brief analyzes the effectiveness of contextualized developmental math in California Community Colleges, where fewer than 10% of students who enter at the basic math level complete college-level math. These integrated courses focus on math required in specific occupations and have higher success rates than traditional math courses. However, the pressure for traditional academic courses has eliminated many of these courses, hindering students' ability to acquire occupational skills and complete advanced courses or degrees.
Examining the Effect of the Early Assessment Program at California State University


This study analyzes the impact of the Early Assessment Program (EAP) on the college-going behavior and remediation needs of California high school juniors. Results show that EAP participation reduces the need for remediation at California State Universities by 6.1 percentage points in English and 4.1 percentage points in mathematics. The program does not discourage poorly prepared students from applying to college but rather encourages them to increase their academic preparation in high school.
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This brief discusses the significant disparity between the Latino population in California's public schools and their representation among college graduates. The author suggests that this may lead to a shortage of graduates for California's economy and outlines six steps the state could take to improve access and success for Latino students in higher education.
Publication authors


This brief examines the use of student test scores in teacher evaluations in CA. It argues that current evaluation methods are not effective, and that alternative methods of measuring teacher effectiveness, such as peer evaluations and student surveys, should be explored. The brief also discusses the potential consequences of over-reliance on test scores, such as teaching to the test and neglecting non-tested subjects. It concludes that teacher evaluations should be designed to provide useful feedback for professional development, rather than being used solely for accountability purposes.
School Finance and Governance in California


Getting Down to Facts is an extensive investigation of CA's public education system commissioned by a bipartisan group of CA leaders. The project aimed to describe California's school finance and governance systems, identify obstacles hindering resource utilization, and estimate costs to achieve student outcome goals. The project resulted in 23 reports by scholars, which highlight that the current school finance and governance systems fail to help students achieve state performance goals, particularly those from low-income families. The reports provide a framework for assessing reform options.
Understanding California's High School Dropouts
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The Partnership for Urban Education Research (PUER) comprises six of California's largest urban school districts working together to increase data availability, enhance internal research capacity, and promote collaboration and information sharing across district lines to benefit students. In a new report, PUER districts identified opportunities to improve the current dropout reporting system and reviewed district efforts to reduce dropout rates. PUER is working with PACE to review and publish their research.
How the First Semester Matters for Community College Students’ Aspirations and Persistence
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This policy brief argues that expanding access to community college alone will not prepare California's workforce for the 21st century. It shows that many high school graduates who enter community college with the goal of transferring to four-year colleges do not make it through their first semester with their goals intact. Providing additional guidance and support during the first semester could improve student persistence and transfer rates, as the first semester is crucial in shaping students' post-secondary academic careers.
Options for California
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This policy brief examines accountability in California's education system, calling for a comprehensive approach that measures student outcomes and addresses systemic factors. The authors emphasize stakeholder engagement and local capacity building, and suggest a balanced approach that promotes continuous improvement for California's diverse student population.
Options for California
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This policy brief advocates for the expansion of career-technical education (CTE) in California's high schools through a CTE/multiple pathways approach. The authors argue that this approach integrates academic and occupational content, is more effective for students, and addresses criticisms of high schools. They propose building on existing CTE practices and providing funding, technical assistance, professional development, curriculum development, work-based learning opportunities, and data monitoring to support the expansion of CTE/multiple pathways.


This report examines the critical role played by California Community Colleges in extending college opportunity to all, as envisioned in the 1960 Master Plan for Higher Education. However, the foundation of this longstanding commitment has eroded, and renewed commitment to college opportunity is urgently needed in the knowledge-based, global economy. The report calls for action from educational, governmental, philanthropic, and civic leaders to renew and extend opportunities to shape California's future.


The Bridge Project, a study of K-16 issues, presents three papers on college transition. The first finds a widespread lack of knowledge about college requirements and readiness among California students and parents. The second analyzes how students receive vague signals about academic college readiness. The third provides an example of how to improve K-16 transition and send clearer academic standards signals. Policy implications include low or no-cost recommendations to address these issues.
New Education Policies
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Senior slump is a phenomenon unique to American high schools, where students view senior year as a time for nonacademic pursuits. This report suggests curtailing senior slump to add valuable months to students' education at a critical point in their intellectual development. Policy directives are presented to help American high schools reclaim the senior year.