Unequal Resources, Unequal Outcomes


This article discusses the inequitable education provided to English language learners in California, arguing that there are seven areas where these students receive an inferior education compared to English speakers. That includes having less qualified teachers, inferior curriculum, and being assessed with invalid instruments. The article provides suggestions for addressing these issues.
Constructions of Gender and Sexuality in California’s Single Gender Academies
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This article examines the impact of heterosexist assumptions and homophobia on students' experiences in California's public "Single Gender Academies." Interviews with students reveal a critical link between sexuality, masculinity, and femininity, and the ways in which assumptions about sexuality are embedded in school policies, practices, and peer relations. The article provides an analysis of homophobia among students and the influence of academy assumptions on students' attitudes towards gender and sexuality.
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This paper examines the incidence, causes, and consequences of student mobility in the US. Mobility not only harms the students who change schools, but also the classrooms and schools they attend. The causes and consequences of mobility are more complicated than many people assume. The authors suggest ways for parents, schools, districts, and policymakers to address this growing educational problem.
New Education Policy Center's Goal Is to Be Information Resource for Policymakers and Michigan Educators
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Michigan State University's College of Education has established the nonpartisan Education Policy Center to provide lawmakers and educational leaders with accurate, research-based information to improve the state's educational system. With the support of the university's resources, the center aims to play an important role in deepening the policy debate and bringing about improvements in the system. The center was established due to a lack of systematic communication between researchers and policymakers in Michigan.
How Mothers Balance Work Requirements and Parenting


This paper examines how mothers select childcare to meet welfare-to-work requirements. Interviews with seven mothers from different ethnic groups show that trust in childcare providers to keep their children safe is the most important criterion. Structural constraints on their choices are also analyzed. The findings suggest that policymakers should focus on trust and legitimacy of childcare providers in addition to supply and educational quality.


This paper examines high school dropout and turnover rates in the US and tests models to explain the differences using data from the NELS High School Effectiveness Study. Variability was found among high schools, with much of the variation attributed to differences in student characteristics, but factors such as school resources and processes also influenced rates. Dropout and turnover rates are measures of school performance that policymakers and educators can influence.
The Influence of Household Support, Ethnicity, and Parental Practices


An investigation of the family factors and practices that influence parents' choice of center-based programs for young children. Maternal education, child's age, and availability of social support were found to be significant factors in center selection. African-American families were more likely to choose center-based care than white or Latino families, and parental practices related to early literacy development and close supervision also affected center selection. The study highlights the importance of considering selection processes when assessing the effects of early childhood programs.
Publication authors


I apologize, let me try to summarize the article more concisely. The article discusses the California Learning Assessment System (CLAS), which aimed to align the state's testing system with the content of what was taught in schools and better measure student performance through performance-based standards and assessments. However, CLAS faced opposition from various groups and was ultimately discontinued. The case offers lessons for reformers about the politics of testing policy in the US and the difficulties of large-scale transformation of state assessment systems.
Publication authors


The education productivity problem is rising resources but only modestly rising student achievement. Current education reform aims to produce higher student achievement with stable resources. Low student performance may be due to declining social and economic conditions, lack of hard work by students, and lack of parental support. However, research focuses on what schools can do to improve productivity by controlling and improving student achievement. Both education programs and finance structures need to be restructured to accomplish productivity challenges.
Publication author


The article discusses the importance of parent involvement in education and its effects on student achievement. It suggests that schools need to create a welcoming environment for parents and engage them in meaningful ways, such as through volunteering and decision-making committees. Additionally, the article emphasizes the need for schools to provide information and resources to parents, especially those who are disadvantaged, to ensure that they are equipped to support their children's learning at home.
Remembering the "Forgotten Half"


US high school students, especially those who do not attend college, have been found to lack skills and knowledge necessary for the job market. The California Partnership Academies program has been developed to address this issue and has been adopted by over 50 high schools. The program has received support and positive evaluations. Factors contributing to the issue include societal changes, the education system, and changes in the labor market. If these issues are not addressed, the US risks falling behind international competitors and a lower standard of living.
Publication author


School finance has become a prominent issue again due to court decisions and litigation in several states. This article explores school finance changes in the 70s and 80s and outlines key issues for the 90s, including the relationship between finance and education goals, site-based management, teacher pay, accountability, school choice, and nontraditional issues such as preschool and non-educational services for children.
Publication author


Traditionally, educational evaluation has focused on measuring student achievement and program performance. However, education reforms are now linking schooling to economic development, leading to a shift towards managerial expectations and politicization of the field. This article explains the human capital imperative and its relation to education, summarizes the history of educational evaluation, and outlines an alternative model for educational appraisal in the context of government-led education system reforms aimed at enhancing national economic growth.
Publication author


The U.S. ranks low in international education comparisons, but the discussion is misleading because it does not look at postsecondary education. The value added by the postsecondary education system, including community colleges, trade schools, and universities, is ignored. The U.S.'s strongest suit is probably its entire postsecondary education system in the international arena.
Research-Based Policy Alternatives
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This article delves into the issue of class size in education, examining how it affects student achievement and suggesting policy alternatives. With some states proposing and implementing class size reductions, the analysis discusses the research on the subject and its policy implications. The piece is divided into four sections, starting with an introduction that provides context for the class size debate.
The Need for Analysis
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Educational indicator systems are in demand in the US due to their strong linkages to policy issues. This article covers five major issues related to educational indicators, including what they are, major initiatives in the US, and indicator strategies in California. It also discusses key issues related to indicator development and use and outlines alternative strategies for making sense of educational indicators, which are currently missing in the US.
Third-Year Results from Replications of the California Peninsula Academies


Evaluation of 11 California high school academies in 1987-88 found positive in-school outcomes. Academies combine academic and vocational courses to reduce dropout rates. Graduation rates available for one grade-level cohort, with an estimated net benefit of $1.0-1.3 million from dropout prevention.
An Exploration of the Debate on School District Size
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The notion that larger school districts are superior has changed, with some researchers advocating for smaller ones. Recent reform reports have focused on the school site as the decision-making seat. Three main issues guide district size research: fiscal efficiency, school effectiveness, and community identity. Although research has been conducted, there is still no definitive answer. This article explores the research and debate on the "right" size for school districts and identifies unanswered questions, hoping to kindle interest in further research.
Second-Year Results from Replications of the California Peninsula Academies


This article discusses the results of replicating the California Peninsula Academies model in 10 high schools. The model provides technical instruction in an occupational field, alongside core academic curriculum, and is designed to prevent dropouts. Evidence suggests that Academy students performed better in terms of grades and course credits compared to students in comparison groups, particularly at three sites.
A By-Product of Reform


The Policy Analysis for California Education (PACE) Project provides nonpartisan information to policymakers about California's education system. Their "Conditions of Education in California" report is a yearly benchmark for policymakers. PACE also studies in-depth information on California's education system, including the impact of legislation on schools and the performance of students. Their research is widely distributed among education groups and citizens.


PACE, a university-based research center, provides "nonpartisan, objective, independent" information on K-12 schooling in CA. Its analyses have been invaluable to lawmakers and educators during the state's active education-reform period. PACE has played a growing role in debates on school issues, exemplified by a heated debate in the CA legislature over the Commission on Teacher Credentialing. PACE offers a model for providing data for education policies when many states are seeking broader information bases. It has helped provide a better understanding of what is happening in education.
Evaluating Omnibus Education Reforms in the 1980s


The study examines curricular changes in California's high schools from 1982 to 1985, a period of educational reforms aimed at increasing academic rigor. The state mandated more extensive graduation requirements while universities adjusted their entrance requirements. A sample of 20 comprehensive high schools shows increased academic offerings in math, science, and advanced placement, and decreased offerings in industrial arts, home economics, and business education, reflect statewide trends.
Publication authors


States can help local schools improve by implementing effective school improvement strategies. A study by the Education Commission of the States (ECS) identified key elements that can transform schools into more effective organizations, and various roles that states can play in the change process. The study analyzed data collected in 40 schools in 10 states, providing a solid knowledge base for implementing state-mandated education reforms. Effective strategies and conditions for success were studied using a case-study approach. The study began in late 1983 and was completed in early 1985.
The Link Between Assessment and Financial Support
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Public school policy mak­ing is embedded in a complex societal matrix. It is not possi­ble to consider the future of U.S. schools without examining the size and distribution of future populations; the future state of the economy and its ef­fect on funds available for the schools; and the political context within which decisions will be made. The public school system is a "dependent variable" of larger social and economic forces.
Publication author


Increased state funding of public education has led to a call for statewide accountability systems. Current trends rely on standardized true-false testing, which can distort what happens in schools when financial incentives are linked with the tests. Teachers are important, and accountability should provide positive encouragement without excessive use of testing. A set of principles and an outline for a statewide accountability system that relies on both top-down and bottom-up accountability is presented.