Their Possibilities and Limits
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The voluntary nature of student support services in California Community Colleges means that many students who need them do not use them, due to competing demands or stigma. The lack of funding for student services and the prevalence of adjunct faculty further complicates their use. Challenging conventional practices and norms of community colleges could make the entire enterprise of developmental education more effective.


The University of California (UC) requires the SAT or ACT as part of their admissions process, but critics argue that these tests have flaws and are biased. This brief suggests that state-mandated standardized tests used to monitor student progress in secondary education, such as the CST exam in California, could be a suitable substitute for college entrance exams. The analysis in this brief shows that the CST exam offers similar predictive power for college performance and persistence at UC, compared to the SAT.
The Landscape and the Locus of Change
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This PACE working paper examines six types of innovations to improve developmental education in California Community Colleges: individual practitioner efforts, departmental developments, learning communities, K-12 initiatives, Faculty Interest Groups, and innovation from the middle. The authors find that there are many good ideas for improving developmental education, but success depends on nurturing the right conditions for innovation. Innovation from the middle, with the joint efforts of senior-level faculty and middle-level administrators, seems necessary for widespread reform.
The Dominance of Remedial Pedagogy
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This working paper examines the instructional triangle of basic skills education in California Community Colleges through classroom observations in 13 colleges. The study identifies the prevalence of remedial pedagogy, which relies on sub-skill drill and practice and lacks connections to subsequent courses or adult roles. This approach is ineffective and violates precepts of effective instruction. The paper outlines alternatives to remedial pedagogy, including hybrid and constructivist teaching. These alternatives are further developed in Working Paper 3.
Framing the Issues in Community Colleges
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This paper series addresses the issue of basic skills instruction in California Community Colleges. The problem is twofold: a high proportion of students enter college needing developmental courses, and these students are unlikely to move into college-level work. The research focuses on instructional issues, with observations and interviews to understand classroom and institutional settings. The subsequent papers in the series will cover various hypotheses for why success rates in basic skill instruction are not higher.


This report provides policy guidance for new state assessments aligned to Common Core State Standards. It aims to inform the work of the two consortia funded by the U.S. Department of Education in developing the assessments. The report includes three papers addressing issues of computer adaptive assessments, assessment of English learners, and assessing science. The authors' vision of new assessments goes beyond the horizon of current practice and emphasizes the need to use new technologies to provide useful and timely information to students and teachers.
The Case for Contextualized Developmental Math
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This brief analyzes the effectiveness of contextualized developmental math in California Community Colleges, where fewer than 10% of students who enter at the basic math level complete college-level math. These integrated courses focus on math required in specific occupations and have higher success rates than traditional math courses. However, the pressure for traditional academic courses has eliminated many of these courses, hindering students' ability to acquire occupational skills and complete advanced courses or degrees.
Examining the Effect of the Early Assessment Program at California State University


This study analyzes the impact of the Early Assessment Program (EAP) on the college-going behavior and remediation needs of California high school juniors. Results show that EAP participation reduces the need for remediation at California State Universities by 6.1 percentage points in English and 4.1 percentage points in mathematics. The program does not discourage poorly prepared students from applying to college but rather encourages them to increase their academic preparation in high school.
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This brief discusses the significant disparity between the Latino population in California's public schools and their representation among college graduates. The author suggests that this may lead to a shortage of graduates for California's economy and outlines six steps the state could take to improve access and success for Latino students in higher education.
Third-Year Results from Replications of the California Peninsula Academies


Evaluation of 11 California high school academies in 1987-88 found positive in-school outcomes. Academies combine academic and vocational courses to reduce dropout rates. Graduation rates available for one grade-level cohort, with an estimated net benefit of $1.0-1.3 million from dropout prevention.
Second-Year Results from Replications of the California Peninsula Academies


This article discusses the results of replicating the California Peninsula Academies model in 10 high schools. The model provides technical instruction in an occupational field, alongside core academic curriculum, and is designed to prevent dropouts. Evidence suggests that Academy students performed better in terms of grades and course credits compared to students in comparison groups, particularly at three sites.
Recent Changes and Prospective Trends
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California's education reforms have resulted in increased enrollment in math, science, and foreign language classes, including advanced placement courses. However, there are concerns about teacher qualifications and whether all students have access to advanced classes. This report examines enrollment data, teacher supply and demand, and state policies affecting these subjects to provide benchmarks for future progress. The goal is to ensure that students develop the competencies necessary to be competitive in tomorrow's economy.
1986–87 Evaluation Report
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The Edna McConnell Clark Foundation's School-to-Work and Academy Demonstration programs aim to help disadvantaged high school students transition to work. This evaluation covers the 1986-87 school year and includes a process component that describes each program, and an outcome component that tracks program and non-program students on retention, attendance, credits earned, courses failed, grade point averages, standardized test scores, and surveys. Seven cities were included, with programs varying in structure and age. Evaluation of student outcomes showed varying effects from site to site.
A By-Product of Reform


The Policy Analysis for California Education (PACE) Project provides nonpartisan information to policymakers about California's education system. Their "Conditions of Education in California" report is a yearly benchmark for policymakers. PACE also studies in-depth information on California's education system, including the impact of legislation on schools and the performance of students. Their research is widely distributed among education groups and citizens.
California's Community Colleges in the Post-Proposition 13 Period
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The passage of Proposition 13 in 1978 sent shockwaves through California's community colleges, affecting all aspects of their operations. The crisis exposed the colleges' lack of preparedness for such magnitude, leaving them grappling to cope with chaos. This article looks at California's experience and highlights critical elements necessary for recognizing problems and mitigating chaos. Educational leadership will need to be adept at ambiguity and conflict resolution as the future promises to be more complex and unpredictable. Finance, mission, and governance are the three key areas of focus.
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This report discusses the decline in vocational education enrollment in California and its potential impact on noncollege-bound students' high school completion rates. Questions remain about the objectives of vocational education and whether it should prioritize skill training for entry-level jobs or emphasize academic skills for a working life of continual learning. PACE recommends a re-examination of curricular changes with a special focus on transitions occurring in vocational education due to enrollment declines and changes in the US job structure.
A Critical Linkage
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New requirements for admission to California State University (CSU) have led to increased pressure on high schools to improve their academic offerings. This, combined with increased funding, has resulted in marked improvements, including more academic course sections and enrollments in college preparatory courses. The pressure for change and higher expectations have been consistent across multiple sources, resulting in a more coherent pattern of academic coursework in California high schools.
Publication authors


The California Senate Office of Research has commissioned PACE to investigate how to expand public school programs to reduce dropout rates for high-risk students, particularly pregnant and parenting adolescents. The study involves examining secondary sources, conducting surveys of junior and senior high schools, unified and high school districts, and assessing implementation costs. The project is funded in part by the National Conference of State Legislators and the United States Office of Educational Research and Improvement.
Vocational Education in California Public Secondary Schools


California invests heavily in high school vocational education, but it does not effectively prepare students for the labor market. To improve outcomes, vocational education should teach problem-solving and teamwork, integrate with academics, and focus on continual learning. ROC/ROPs should continue to provide job skills training, but prioritize competence over job placement in evaluation.