Views from the 2020 PACE/USC Rossier Poll


In the run-up to 2020 elections, where do California voters stand on key education policy issues? This report examines findings and trends from the 2020 PACE/USC Rossier poll. Key findings include rising pessimism about California education and elected officials, continued concern about gun violence in schools and college affordability, and negative opinions about higher education. However, there is substantial support for increased spending, especially on teacher salaries.

A Progress Report One Year After Getting Down to Facts II


The 2018 Getting Down to Facts II research project drew attention to California’s continued need to focus on the achievement gap, strengthen the capacity of educators in support of continuous improvement, and attend to both the adequacy and stability of funding for schools. Based on the nature of the issues and the progress made in 2019, some clear next steps deserve attention as 2020 unfolds.

Evidence to Inform Policy
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Governor Newsom’s first Budget Proposal increases funding for education in California. There are areas of substantive overlap in the Budget Proposal and research findings from the Getting Down to Facts II (GDTFII) research project, released in September 2018, which built an evidence base on the current status of California education and implications for paths forward. As the Budget moves from proposal to reality, it is critical that the evidence from GDTFII continues to inform the policy process.



This article uses case studies to explore how district administrators' conceptions of equity relate to finance reform implementation. The authors identify two conceptions of equity: greater resources for students with greater needs, and equal distribution of resources for all students. These beliefs were reflected in resource allocation decisions and were informed by districts' student demographics, organizational identities, and perceptions of adequacy.
Implementing The Local Control Funding Formula
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This report is the companion account of principal survey results from the Local Control Funding Formula Research Collaborative's (LCFFRC) fall 2018 surveys of stratified random samples of California superintendents and principals. The superintendent results were published in June 2018 in Superintendents Speak: Implementing the Local Control Funding Formula.



California's teacher shortage is severe, affecting high-needs students and certain subjects such as math, science, special education, and bilingual education. Factors driving the shortage include new demands for teachers, declining enrollment in teacher preparation programs, and teacher attrition. Schools are hiring teachers lacking standard credentials and formal training. Unequal teacher distribution's impact is hard to assess due to data limitations. The shortage threatens California's education initiatives.

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California's education system faces challenges in leadership development, with defunded professional development programs leading to inexperienced and high-turnover principals, particularly in high-poverty schools. Studies show that effective principals improve student learning, but current professional development opportunities are insufficient. Many principals seek more support, with rural areas receiving less coaching and development. Promising results have been seen from stronger state standards for administrator education programs.



California aims to improve the quality of teaching in its classrooms by focusing on teacher preparation and evaluation. The state's teacher preparation system aligns with standards but lacks consistent implementation. Disconnected information systems constrain policy-making, and teachers need better training for English learners. Teacher evaluation and support systems could enhance teaching effectiveness.

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Teacher recruitment and retention are critical responsibilities of school districts. The challenge of finding, supporting and retaining good teachers requires innovative solutions collaboratively developed by diverse stakeholders. This brief highlights the efforts of four Northern California school districts to address human resource challenges and hire, develop and retain high quality teachers, which represent promising strategies for other districts across California.

Developing a Research Agenda to Further Policy Change


Recent legislative and judicial activity across the country aims to attract and retain high-quality teachers for every classroom. Research has shown that a high-quality teacher is the most important factor in students' academic success and long-term outcomes, and having a bad teacher for a single year can cost a student an entire year of learning gains. Students assigned to higher-quality teachers are more likely to attend college, attend higher-quality colleges, and earn higher salaries than their peers assigned to lower-quality teachers.
What California's Beginning Teachers Experience
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California's policies for beginning teachers assume a uniform path of completing a preparation program, BTSA, earning a Clear Credential and tenure. However, a recent study shows that the policies fail to recognize the reality of a longer, bumpier and more circuitous path faced by the majority of beginning teachers.
Key Design Elements for Meaningful Teacher Observation
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Teacher evaluation is a powerful tool for improving public education, with classroom observations being essential. However, using student test scores and value-added measures is controversial. This brief recommends four key principles for observation-based assessment, including the use of standards-based instruments and non-administrator assessors. By partnering with teacher unions, California can successfully reform its evaluation system to improve instructional practice and accountability.


This study examines how high-quality professional development can promote the diffusion of effective teaching strategies among teachers through collaboration. Drawing on longitudinal and sociometric data from a study of writing professional development in 39 schools, the study shows that teachers’ participation in professional development is associated with providing more help to colleagues on instructional matters. Further, the influence of professional development on participants’ instructional practice diffuses through the network of helping. These findings suggest that in addition to...
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The policy brief examines the impact of QTEA on teacher recruitment, retention, and overall teacher quality in the San Francisco Unified School District. It provides evidence of the effectiveness of salary increases in attracting and hiring higher-quality teachers, and the importance of strategic hiring and retention efforts. The brief also highlights the need for teacher confidence in the longevity of such policies, and suggests the Local Control Funding Formula as a means to ensure sufficient funds for competitive teacher salaries.
The Magnitude of Student Sorting Within Schools
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This study examines patterns of sorting across classrooms within schools in three large urban school districts. Students are sorted across classrooms by race, poverty status, and prior achievement. Sorting is smaller within schools than across schools, but is still significant, particularly at middle and high school levels. Lower achieving students tend to have more poor and minority peers and less experienced teachers, exacerbating inequalities.
Teacher Characteristics and Class Assignments


This study examines teacher sorting within schools in a large urban district. It finds that less experienced, minority, and female teachers are assigned lower-achieving students than their more experienced, white, and male colleagues. The authors discuss the implications for achievement gaps, teacher turnover, and teacher value-added estimation.


Effective professional development is essential for achieving ambitious student achievement goals in standards-based education reforms. While research has identified key features of effective programs, many districts still offer unfocused and ineffective professional development that wastes limited resources. To deploy effective strategies, districts must first know how much they cost. This article aims to develop an analytical framework for organizing professional development costs and providing a common language for discussing programs.
Five Years Later


This report commemorates the fifth anniversary of the Getting Down to Facts project, which sought to provide a thorough and reliable analysis of the critical challenges facing California’s education system as the necessary basis for an informed discussion of policy changes aimed at improving the performance of California schools and students. The report focuses on the four key issues that received emphasis in the Getting Down to Facts studies: governance, finance, personnel, and data systems.

The Influence of Teacher and School Characteristics


This study explores how teacher characteristics and school context affect the timing of teacher exits from schools, using a two-level discrete-time survival analysis framework. Results for Los Angeles Unified School District show that school context is crucial, especially type of school and organizational characteristics, beyond individual teacher qualifications. Differences between elementary and secondary teachers are also observed.
First Year Report


The Quality Teacher and Education Act (QTEA) was passed in 2008 in San Francisco, authorizing $198 per taxable property to be collected by the SFUSD for 20 years. CEPA and PACE collaborated with the SFUSD to evaluate the implementation and impact of QTEA on teacher compensation, support, and accountability. This report documents the first-year implementation of QTEA and its effects on the recruitment and retention of high-quality teachers, improvement of the teacher workforce, and removal of less effective teachers using a mixed-methods approach.
Structuring School District Discretion over Teacher Employment
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This brief analyzes the relationship between teacher employment, collective bargaining laws, and school district policies in California. The authors examine the extent to which California's legal structure constrains or facilitates district-level discretion over teacher employment policies and practices. They classify various aspects of the teacher-school district employment relationship into four categories, and conclude that California statutory law is somewhat more constraining of administrative decision-making in teacher employment matters than in four other large and diverse states.
Assessing the Impact of the California Governor’s Teaching Fellowship


This brief evaluates the effectiveness of CA's Governor's Teaching Fellowship, which aimed to recruit and retain highly qualified teachers in low-performing schools by providing a $20K fellowship to individuals enrolled in traditional teacher licensure programs who agreed to teach in designated schools. The study found that financial incentives can attract skilled professionals to work with underserved populations, but alternative policy designs should also be explored for cost-effectiveness. The results of the evaluation have important implications for state and national education policy.
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This article discusses how teacher recruitment and retention affect the quality of teaching in schools. The supply and demand model, including wages and non-pecuniary job attributes, influences the supply of potential and current teachers. The demand for teachers depends on factors such as student enrollment and institutional constraints such as hiring authorities' skill and efficiency. The article identifies common policy approaches to improve recruitment and retention and summarizes current research on their effectiveness.
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Policymakers aim to improve student outcomes through the hiring of highly qualified teachers, but there is little consensus on what qualities make a teacher "good." Research on teacher characteristics that impact student achievement is inconclusive. This article examines recent empirical evidence on teacher quality in education production.
Lessons Learned
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This policy brief examines the recent development and approval of Proposition A in the San Francisco Unified School District, which included a parcel tax for increasing teacher salaries, introducing flexibility to the salary schedule, and strengthening accountability for teacher performance. The author describes how the district and union worked together to increase compensation and align school district goals with teacher salaries.