Using Existing Tools to Increase College-Readiness Now
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California can increase college readiness for community college-bound students by using existing tools such as the California High School Exit Exam and Academic Performance Index to identify and provide remediation for 10th-graders who need it, as well as reward high schools for encouraging all students to enroll in appropriate Grade 12 mathematics. This policy brief explains the benefits of these changes alongside the implementation of the Common Core State Standards and Smarter Balanced assessments.
Rethinking Budget Priorities Under the LCFF


The passage describes the implementation of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) in California, which is expected to bring new revenues to school districts. The report suggests that strategic decision-making and goal-setting based on research-based strategies are crucial to realizing the potential benefits of the LCFF. Recommendations include an investment in four key areas that can produce real gains in school and student performance.
How Early Implementers are Approaching the Common Core in California
Publication authors


California has adopted new Common Core State Standards (CCSS), English Language Development (ELD) standards, and Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The state has provided funding to support CCSS implementation, and new curriculum frameworks are nearing completion. The report focuses on early implementers of CCSS to identify lessons learned and potential pitfalls, aiming to inform practitioners and policymakers about the variety of CCSS implementation strategies California school districts are choosing.
A Strategy Guidebook for Leaders
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The Common Core presents challenges for school districts in teaching and learning. This guidebook provides evidence-based solutions to build teacher capacity, address curriculum gaps, design assessments, leverage technology, engage stakeholders, and manage change. It emphasizes the importance of design thinking, focusing on essential change management practices, and connecting the initiative to a broader vision for improved teaching and learning. The goal is to promote innovation, build reciprocal accountability, and effectively address both technical and human dimensions of change.
Publication author


This article discusses California's Early Assessment Program (EAP) to improve alignment between K-12 and postsecondary education. EAP provides high school students with information about their academic preparedness for college and encourages teachers to teach for college readiness. Findings show that EAP participation predicts college course placement but few students are ready for college-level work based on the exam. EAP can better serve community college campuses in placing students in developmental coursework.
Key Design Elements for Meaningful Teacher Observation
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Teacher evaluation is a powerful tool for improving public education, with classroom observations being essential. However, using student test scores and value-added measures is controversial. This brief recommends four key principles for observation-based assessment, including the use of standards-based instruments and non-administrator assessors. By partnering with teacher unions, California can successfully reform its evaluation system to improve instructional practice and accountability.
Results from the Third PACE/USC Rossier Poll


A PACE/USC Rossier poll in August 2013 surveyed California voters' views on the state's education system and recent changes, including the implementation of the CCSS, new assessments, funding increases, and the Local Control Funding Formula. The poll covered various education-related topics, such as curriculum, standardized tests, evaluations, and accountability. It also asked for opinions on Governor Brown's handling of education and Proposition 30. This was the third poll of its kind, with previous findings summarized in a 2012 report.


The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) aim to improve public education by increasing expectations, deepening subjects, and providing an active curriculum. These goals include addressing disparities in U.S. student performance, reducing remediation rates, improving workplace readiness, and promoting civic participation. Equitable CCSS implementation can help close opportunity and achievement gaps affecting low-income, minority, and English learner students, with all standards expected of all students. California has a unique chance to improve education by implementing the CCSS effectively.


This study examines how high-quality professional development can promote the diffusion of effective teaching strategies among teachers through collaboration. Drawing on longitudinal and sociometric data from a study of writing professional development in 39 schools, the study shows that teachers’ participation in professional development is associated with providing more help to colleagues on instructional matters. Further, the influence of professional development on participants’ instructional practice diffuses through the network of helping. These findings suggest that in addition to...
Publication authors


The policy brief examines the impact of QTEA on teacher recruitment, retention, and overall teacher quality in the San Francisco Unified School District. It provides evidence of the effectiveness of salary increases in attracting and hiring higher-quality teachers, and the importance of strategic hiring and retention efforts. The brief also highlights the need for teacher confidence in the longevity of such policies, and suggests the Local Control Funding Formula as a means to ensure sufficient funds for competitive teacher salaries.
The Magnitude of Student Sorting Within Schools
Publication authors


This study examines patterns of sorting across classrooms within schools in three large urban school districts. Students are sorted across classrooms by race, poverty status, and prior achievement. Sorting is smaller within schools than across schools, but is still significant, particularly at middle and high school levels. Lower achieving students tend to have more poor and minority peers and less experienced teachers, exacerbating inequalities.
The Resurgence of Local Actors in Education Policy


This article analyzes recent education policies to explore trends in intergovernmental relations. The authors argue that federal efforts to exert more control have actually strengthened the influence of local actors, creating a bidirectional relationship between federal, state, and local governments. Local actors have retained and asserted significant control over schooling, despite the expanded federal role in education policy. The article concludes with questions for future research and practice.
Publication author


Internet technology can transform the education system in three ways: individualizing learning, making it smart with adaptive software, and creating an open network for learning production. California can lead the way by adopting policies to leverage digital technologies and online resources for Learning 2.0. This would improve the performance of schools and students, and create opportunities for teachers, small enterprises, and individuals to contribute to the production of learning.

Teacher Characteristics and Class Assignments


This study examines teacher sorting within schools in a large urban district. It finds that less experienced, minority, and female teachers are assigned lower-achieving students than their more experienced, white, and male colleagues. The authors discuss the implications for achievement gaps, teacher turnover, and teacher value-added estimation.
This Changes Almost Everything
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Common Core State Standards (CCSS) will impact many state education policies in fundamental ways. Before 1990, most states did not have uniform K-12 academic standards, and each state developed its own. To align policies with CCSS, CA must eliminate contradictions, look for gaps where no policy exists, and ensure sufficient breadth and depth of newly aligned policies. Common Core will transform instruction by focusing on fewer, higher, and deeper standards. However, current state assessment and accountability systems in CA are not aligned with the CCSS's specific instructional approach.

How High Schools Can Be Held Accountable for Developing Students' Career Readiness
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Preparing every high school graduate for postsecondary education and fulfilling work is the goal of common core standards. Career readiness and college readiness share many of the same skills, knowledge, and dispositions. Being ready for professional life requires additional transferable skills to support success throughout a lifetime of changing circumstances. The importance of transferable skills is emphasized by many groups and observers.
Can It Support California’s College and Career-ready Goal?
Publication author


California’s school finance system has been criticized for being irrational, inequitable, and inefficient. The proposed Local Control Funding Formula aims to simplify funding and give local leaders more control, but raises questions about balancing transparency with improved outcomes, providing meaningful incentives, and effectively allocating funds.
Publication authors


The California Academic Performance Index (API) is limited by demographics, instability, and narrow focus on test scores. Experts recommend tracking individual students' progress, measuring achievement growth over multiple years, and using alternative performance measures. Improving API could enhance accountability systems and target educational improvements.
Results from the PACE/USC Rossier August 2012 Poll


California has long been viewed by the rest of the nation as leader in many areas, including education. The state’s K-12 and higher education systems were once the envy of other states. Of late, though, the news from the Golden State has not been so rosy. For the last three decades California has faced increased demands on public services while suffering through economic cycles that have had exaggerated effects on the state budget. The result has been increased competition for limited resources, budget uncertainty and steadily eroding state dollars for a local schools.
Strong Returns from a $19.5 Billion Investment


The LAUSD invested over $19B to build 130 new facilities to relieve overcrowded schools. A PACE policy brief analyzed its effects on student achievement and found robust gains for many elementary-school pupils who switched from old to new facilities. However, significant gains were limited to elementary school students and new high school facilities produced weak and inconsistent achievement gains. The report also tracked thousands of students who moved from overcrowded to new facilities over the 2002-2008 period.
Publication authors


California cannot afford to ignore or postpone questions of how to support the academic success of English Learners (ELs) in the state’s K-12 education system. Language-minority students already represent more than 40 percent of the state’s K-12 public education students, and their share of enrollment is growing. How well California serves these students will help determine the vitality of the state’s economy and society in the years ahead.


Effective professional development is essential for achieving ambitious student achievement goals in standards-based education reforms. While research has identified key features of effective programs, many districts still offer unfocused and ineffective professional development that wastes limited resources. To deploy effective strategies, districts must first know how much they cost. This article aims to develop an analytical framework for organizing professional development costs and providing a common language for discussing programs.
Revenues and Expenditures in the Second Year of Categorical Flexibility
Publication author


CA's school finance is highly regulated, with state funding allocated through categorical programs. In 2008-09, 40 Tier 3 programs were given fiscal freedom, leading to concerns that districts with more Tier 3 funding were disproportionately affected by the state's budget crisis. However, data show that all districts lost a similar share of their budget, with no large-scale changes in spending. Districts with more Tier 3 funding spent relatively more on alternative education, adult education, and non-instructional goals, and more of their budget on pupil services and special education.
How Districts Responded to Flexibility in Tier 3 Categorical Funds in 2010–2011


California's system of school finance is highly regulated and prescriptive. A large share of state funding is allocated through categorical programs, that is, programs whose funding is contingent upon districts using the money in a particular way or for a particular purpose. In 2008–09, the strings were taken off 40 of those programs, collectively known as the "Tier 3" programs, as part of a budget deal that also reduced the funding for those programs.
Five Years Later


This report commemorates the fifth anniversary of the Getting Down to Facts project, which sought to provide a thorough and reliable analysis of the critical challenges facing California’s education system as the necessary basis for an informed discussion of policy changes aimed at improving the performance of California schools and students. The report focuses on the four key issues that received emphasis in the Getting Down to Facts studies: governance, finance, personnel, and data systems.