California Policy, the "Improved School Finance," and the Williams Case


This article applies the logic of the ‘‘improved’’ school finance, arguing the need to understand how resources are used at the school and classroom levels. While California policies and most court cases have been seriously inadequate from this perspective, the recent case of Williams v. California provides new opportunities for equity since it follows the logic of the ‘‘improved’’ school finance.


This article presents a summary of a report prepared for the Williams v. State of California lawsuit, highlighting the achievement gap for English learners in California and seven areas where they receive an inequitable education compared to their English-speaking peers. It also documents the state's role in perpetuating these inequities and proposes remedies to reduce them.
Early Learning Effects of Type, Quality, and Stability


This report examines the effects of center care and home-based care on cognitive and social development of young children in poor communities, as well as the impact of caregiver sensitivity and education level. The study used a sample of children whose mothers entered welfare-to-work programs and found positive cognitive effects for children in center care, and stronger cognitive and social development for those with more sensitive and educated caregivers. However, children in family child care homes showed more behavioral problems.
California’s Teaching Force, 2004—Key Issues and Trends
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California's aging teacher workforce will lead to a significant demand for teachers, with shortages particularly in special education and secondary education. The number of underprepared teachers in low-performing schools serving minority, poor, and ELL students is disproportionate. Budget cuts have reduced funding for recruitment and professional development programs, and California's induction system needs refinement. Curriculum-based professional development programs have mainly targeted elementary school teachers, neglecting the training needs of secondary teachers.
Similar Test Scores, but Different Students, Bring Federal Sanctions
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California schools with more demographic subgroups are less likely to meet their growth targets and face federal sanctions, even when students have similar average test scores. Schools with many low-income Latino students are particularly unlikely to hit growth targets. Is it fair to label diverse schools as failing when their overall achievement level is not necessarily lower?
Publication author


Modern statecraft in education is giving way to unmodern policy and institutional reform, favoring small and communal schools, alternative networks, and cultural pluralism. Charter schools and preschooling illuminate this shift toward de-centering education, while posing the long-term challenge of balancing particular forms of schooling against the modern impulse to integrate groups via large institutions.
Unequal Resources, Unequal Outcomes


This article discusses the inequitable education provided to English language learners in California, arguing that there are seven areas where these students receive an inferior education compared to English speakers. That includes having less qualified teachers, inferior curriculum, and being assessed with invalid instruments. The article provides suggestions for addressing these issues.
Evaluation Findings and Implications


This report evaluates California's Public Schools Accountability Act of 1999, which aimed to hold schools accountable for student results. The brief summarizes the main findings and implications of the legislatively mandated, independent evaluation of the Act, with the aim of helping states understand and learn from preceding accountability efforts.
Summary Report
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This report argues that the state of California needs to prioritize better education for all children with a sustained long-term investment of resources and leadership. Despite political upheaval and fiscal problems, there is a consensus for better education. The authors suggest that the issue requires a response as intense and sustained as the state's response to natural disasters, and calls for a system of teacher development to ensure all teachers have the necessary knowledge and skills to meet academic standards.
Which Families to Serve First? Who Will Respond?
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This paper discusses extending access to preschool for families in California, focusing on targeting priorities to yield strong enrollment demand and discernible effects on young children's early development and school readiness. It analyzes different targeting mechanisms and suggests experimenting with alternative expansion strategies, rather than investing exclusively in one method. The report also describes which communities would benefit most and considers the criteria for judging the wisdom of targeting options.
Assessing Balance and Substance
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Arnold Schwarzenegger received lopsided media attention during the first weeks of his campaign, according to a UC study. 87% of the 164 stories reported by the New York Times focused on Schwarzenegger. Less coverage was given to Bustamante, who was out-polling the actor at the time. The study found little coverage of policy issues and that Schwarzenegger’s personal history and character received more attention. Lesser-known candidates, including Peter Camejo and Arianna Huffington, received proportionally less coverage.
Lessons for Early Education


This policy brief discusses state initiatives in the US aimed at retaining and improving the quality of preschool and childcare staff, with a focus on California's $21 million annual investment. While K-12 reforms have been underway longer and are usually better-funded, early childhood education policymakers and educators will find valuable information about experimental efforts and lessons on systemwide reform.
Mothers and Young Children Move Through Welfare Reform


This report discusses the lack of knowledge about the impact of welfare-to-work programs on young children since 1996, and how policy leaders are debating ways to aid jobless mothers and enrich their children's lives. The project team followed 948 mothers and preschool-age children for two to four years after the women entered new welfare programs in California, Connecticut, and Florida.
Mothers and Young Children Move Through Welfare Reform: Executive Summary


This report examines how welfare-to-work programs have affected the lives of young children since 1996, and how they've impacted the home and childcare settings in which they are raised. The study followed 948 mothers and preschool-age children in California, Connecticut, and Florida for two to four years, using interviews, assessments, and visits to homes and childcare settings. The report highlights the major findings from the study.
Year 1—Qualitative Implementation Study


This report on San Francisco County’s CARES program (SF CARES) provides guidance for policymakers, program administrators, and childcare advocates planning similar initiatives. PACE collected feedback from program planners, stipend recipients, and other childcare community members on aspects of the planning and implementation process. SF CARES successfully distributed over 400 stipends in the program’s first year, but challenges remain in reaching a broader array of childcare providers and communicating program goals.
Publication author


This paper examines the relationship between policy formation in the United States and educational policy researchers. The experience of one independent 'think tank', namely PACE, located within universities, illustrates how research might inform policy and how it might not be victim to the problems, well rehearsed in the literature, of poor dissemination. Fruitful links between policy research and policy formation require close attention to the sources, channels, and format of dissemination, to the nature of the message, and to the characteristics of the policymakers.
New Education Policy Center's Goal Is to Be Information Resource for Policymakers and Michigan Educators
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Michigan State University's College of Education has established the nonpartisan Education Policy Center to provide lawmakers and educational leaders with accurate, research-based information to improve the state's educational system. With the support of the university's resources, the center aims to play an important role in deepening the policy debate and bringing about improvements in the system. The center was established due to a lack of systematic communication between researchers and policymakers in Michigan.
Executive Summary
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The California State Plan for Vocational and Technical Education 2000-2004 was developed with PACE's help, linking vocational education to other aspects of California's education system. The plan aimed to improve academic learning through strong vocational programs and better linkages between the world of schooling and the world of work. The summary covers the plan's context, guiding principles, vocational education, accountability, evaluation, and Tech-Prep Education.
Are the Reform Pieces Fitting Together?


"Crucial Issues in California Education 2000" is a PACE publication that offers an analytical overview of California education through in-depth research projects contributed by experts statewide. It provides the latest data analysis and overall strategic recommendations on a wide variety of issues, from childcare to universities, making it a unique source for policy analysis. The volume is the largest in the history of the series, bringing together numerous reports on components of California education in one source.
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The reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act provides an opportunity to reconsider the federal role in teacher professional development. The largest federal professional development fund is the Eisenhower program. Lessons from Eisenhower and contemporary research suggest that federal funds should be focused exclusively on subject matter knowledge and pedagogy and accountability should be based on assessment of student learning. The purpose is to generate discussion on how to more effectively use federal dollars to improve student achievement.
Are the Reform Pieces Fitting Together?: Executive Summary


California’s education system has undergone many reforms, with new mandates from policymakers threatening to overwhelm educators. The new accountability system tracks schools’ effectiveness and allocates carrots or sticks. Schools still struggle with reducing class sizes and finding enough qualified teachers. While California has made significant policy initiatives, the challenge is whether the puzzle pieces of reform fit together into a coherent “theory of action.” The issue of policy coherence must be addressed to energize teachers and bring forth more stimulating classrooms and pedagogy.
California's School Voucher Initiative—Proposition 38


Proposition 38 allows parents in California to obtain a state chit worth $4,000 and move their child from public to private school, which would significantly affect school financing. This policy brief addresses six key questions about the proposal, including its differences from the 1993 voucher initiative, which families would benefit, how it would impact school spending and taxpayers, and the success of voucher experiments in raising achievement.
1987–88 Evaluation Report


This report presents findings from the third annual evaluation of Partnership Academy Programs in CA, a high school-based, state-funded program with a school-within-a-school administrative structure that enrolls at-risk students with academic potential. The program provides students with basic job skills in a promising labor-market field and support from local businesses, including curriculum development, guest speakers, field trips, mentors, and work experience positions. The evaluation addresses the quality of program implementation and the degree to which programs follow the academy model.
Publication author


An inventory of 30 California districts reveals their policy stance on teacher professional development, which primarily consists of skill acquisition through district-led programs. Other sources, such as universities or professional communities, are less visible. The districts are the dominant providers of development opportunities, with expenditures reflecting a ready marketplace of predetermined programs. Alternative routes to professional growth are less evident.
An Exploration of the Debate on School District Size
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The notion that larger school districts are superior has changed, with some researchers advocating for smaller ones. Recent reform reports have focused on the school site as the decision-making seat. Three main issues guide district size research: fiscal efficiency, school effectiveness, and community identity. Although research has been conducted, there is still no definitive answer. This article explores the research and debate on the "right" size for school districts and identifies unanswered questions, hoping to kindle interest in further research.