A Guide for Parents, Families, and the Public


This brief provides questions for parents, educators, and the public to consider when deciding whether to reopen schools or support remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Education and health policy experts summarize what is known in these areas and provide a set of questions to encourage safe, effective, and equitable teaching and learning during every phase of pandemic schooling.
Sanger Unified and the Pivot–Sanger Multi-Tiered System of Supports Project
Publication author


Equity has been a key focus of California education policies, which aim to reduce disparities in learning outcomes. The Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) can help identify struggling students and offer support. Pivot Learning's demonstration project with Sanger, Monterey Peninsula, and Lancaster school districts sought to make MTSS implementation more accessible. Lessons learned from Sanger's implementation can guide the state's continued expansion of MTSS.

Research to Guide Distance and Blended Instruction


This suite of publications provides 10 recommendations based on the PACE report to help educators and district leaders provide high-quality instruction through distance and blended learning models in the 2020-21 school year. Despite the challenges of COVID-19, research can guide decisions about student learning and engagement. These recommendations can be used as a framework to prioritize quality instruction.

What California’s Leaders Must Do Next to Advance Student Learning During COVID-19


On July 17th, 2020, Governor Newsom announced that all K–12 schools in California counties with rising COVID-19 infections would be required to teach remotely. Without a strong focus on improving the quality of remote education at scale, students could lose up to a year’s worth of learning, and as many as 1.1 million students could fail to graduate high school. That academic impact would be felt most acutely by low-income, Black, and Latinx students. California’s leaders must act now to prioritize equity and ensure quality across all of the state’s districts. New policies do establish baseline...
A Summary of the PACE Policy Research Panel
Publication authors


Over 725,000 California K-12 students received special education services in 2018-19, but the system is not always equipped to serve them. Early screening, identification, and intervention, as well as better transitions, educator support, and mental/physical health services, need improvement. A Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) framework in schools could address SWDs' needs, but it requires additional resources and policy support to improve educator capacity and collaboration between agencies while systematizing data on SWDs.
Characteristics, Outcomes, and Transitions
Publication authors


The CORE districts studied characteristics, outcomes, and transitions of students with disabilities (SWDs). Specific learning disability was the most common type. Males, African Americans, English learners, and foster youth were overrepresented. Chronic absence was higher for SWDs with multiple disabilities. Most SWDs entered special education in K-4 and exited in grades 8-12. These results help identify who may need targeted support.

Publication author


This brief explains that while the California Common Core State Standards in Mathematics require rigorous instruction for all students, those with disabilities do not always have equal access to this instruction. It recommends the use of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), a research-based framework that enables expert learners within classroom settings and maximizes engagement for all students, including those with disabilities, to provide access to rigorous, standards-based mathematics instruction for all students in California.



This brief suggests recommendations for improving student outcomes by providing high quality and ongoing professional development to teachers, administrators, and school personnel. It identifies the achievement gap for diverse learners, including culturally and linguistically diverse students with disabilities, and offers strategies for integrating evidence-based practices into existing educational initiatives. Additionally, it outlines methods for improving the school-system climate to reduce barriers to providing and sustaining innovative training and intervention methods.
Publication author


This brief discusses how California's System of Support uses differentiated assistance (DA) to provide support to districts and boost student group performance levels. It analyzes the districts eligible for DA in 2019 based on their students with disabilities' (SWD) performance on State Priority Areas (SPAs) and indicators. The findings show that over half of the 333 eligible districts were driven by SWD performance in SPAs 4 (Pupil Achievement) and 5 (Pupil Engagement), highlighting intersectional challenges facing SWD that districts can address through their continuous improvement process.
Lessons from Other States


This report discusses the challenges California faces in improving educational outcomes for students with disabilities (SWDs) and how inclusion in general education classrooms has positive benefits. It examines strategies used by Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Florida to improve inclusion rates and makes four recommendations for California, including implementing a data system, targeted support for districts with poor inclusion rates, and an inclusion tool for schools and districts to assess their practices.
Publication author


This brief highlights California's Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), which assists struggling students. The inadequate resourcing of Tier 2 services is nevertheless preventing progress in reading and math, as California ranks 38th in the nation. Categorical funding is necessary to provide additional personnel, such as instructional aides and clerical staff, to assist teachers with implementing MTSS effectively.
Views from the 2020 PACE/USC Rossier Poll


In the run-up to 2020 elections, where do California voters stand on key education policy issues? This report examines findings and trends from the 2020 PACE/USC Rossier poll. Key findings include rising pessimism about California education and elected officials, continued concern about gun violence in schools and college affordability, and negative opinions about higher education. However, there is substantial support for increased spending, especially on teacher salaries.

A Progress Report One Year After Getting Down to Facts II


The 2018 Getting Down to Facts II research project drew attention to California’s continued need to focus on the achievement gap, strengthen the capacity of educators in support of continuous improvement, and attend to both the adequacy and stability of funding for schools. Based on the nature of the issues and the progress made in 2019, some clear next steps deserve attention as 2020 unfolds.

Research Center Celebrates a Quarter Century as Leader in Legislative Policy Analysis


The call for improved education persists annually within PACE, emphasizing the perpetual need for progress. Even with strides made, the organization does not consider its mission accomplished. Guided by three core principles—allocating resources to disadvantaged schools, granting autonomy to local districts, and rigorous evaluation of educational efficacy—PACE remains dedicated to fostering lasting policy reform and enhanced educational performance across California's system. Leveraging experience from Michigan State's Education Policy Center, PACE's leadership continues to drive the...
School Finance and Governance in California


Getting Down to Facts is an extensive investigation of CA's public education system commissioned by a bipartisan group of CA leaders. The project aimed to describe California's school finance and governance systems, identify obstacles hindering resource utilization, and estimate costs to achieve student outcome goals. The project resulted in 23 reports by scholars, which highlight that the current school finance and governance systems fail to help students achieve state performance goals, particularly those from low-income families. The reports provide a framework for assessing reform options.
Continuous Improvement in California’s Education System
Publication authors


This policy brief emphasizes the need for California's education system to become a continuously improving system that fosters innovation, measures the impact of policies and practices, and learns from experience. The authors identify key features of a continuously improving system, including clear goals, reliable data, change-supportive capacity, flexible decision-making, and aligned incentives. They explain how each of these features supports continuous improvement and highlight the differences between the current education system and a continuously improving one.
Data Systems and Policy Learning
Publication authors


This report advocates for a continuous improvement approach to education in California, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive data system to inform decision-making and evaluation at all levels of the education system. It also recommends the use of research-based practices and the development of partnerships between schools and community organizations to support student success. The report emphasizes the importance of equity and suggests strategies for addressing achievement gaps and providing more resources to under-resourced schools.
A Survey of California Teachers’ Challenges, Experiences, and Professional Development Needs


This report highlights the challenges faced by English learners in California schools and the need for better implementation of policies supporting them. The authors emphasize the importance of recognizing students' diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds and providing them with meaningful opportunities to develop their skills. They also call for more research in language assessment and bilingual education. Overall, improving outcomes for English learners is crucial for promoting equity and social justice in California's schools.
Successes, Challenges, and Opportunities for Improvement


California's accountability system, PSAA, has been examined by three independent studies, revealing five key issues. The system established specific performance targets, rewards, and sanctions for schools, but budget constraints and differences with NCLB require changes. The STAR testing and school assessment system needs review, and Governor Schwarzenegger proposed simplifying the school finance system. The brief aims to inform policymakers, clarify complex accountability issues, highlight educators' views, and outline four major implications.
Publication authors


The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 mandates all states to demonstrate “adequate yearly progress” towards state proficiency goals. This report explores how to measure sustained improvement in California public schools, and how demographic and school-level variables relate to student achievement. Annual Academic Performance Index scores alone do not indicate sustained improvement, so it is recommended to consider student progress over a longer time frame and all known variables that impact it.