

The Learning Policy Institute analyzed the special education teacher workforce in California and found a severe teacher shortage that could harm students with disabilities who need expert teachers the most. The report identifies the causes of the shortage and potential reasons for teacher attrition. Evidence-based policy strategies are suggested to address the issue.
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The effectiveness of general education teachers in supporting students with learning disabilities is a concern, and there is little understanding of what components of teacher preparation programs relate to teachers’ perceptions of readiness. Two studies examined survey responses from preservice teachers in the University of California’s TPPs to identify the components of preservice preparation associated with perceived readiness. The study provides recommendations for policymakers and teacher educators to improve teacher preparation programs.


This brief suggests recommendations for improving student outcomes by providing high quality and ongoing professional development to teachers, administrators, and school personnel. It identifies the achievement gap for diverse learners, including culturally and linguistically diverse students with disabilities, and offers strategies for integrating evidence-based practices into existing educational initiatives. Additionally, it outlines methods for improving the school-system climate to reduce barriers to providing and sustaining innovative training and intervention methods.
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This brief discusses how California's System of Support uses differentiated assistance (DA) to provide support to districts and boost student group performance levels. It analyzes the districts eligible for DA in 2019 based on their students with disabilities' (SWD) performance on State Priority Areas (SPAs) and indicators. The findings show that over half of the 333 eligible districts were driven by SWD performance in SPAs 4 (Pupil Achievement) and 5 (Pupil Engagement), highlighting intersectional challenges facing SWD that districts can address through their continuous improvement process.
Lessons from Other States


This report discusses the challenges California faces in improving educational outcomes for students with disabilities (SWDs) and how inclusion in general education classrooms has positive benefits. It examines strategies used by Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Florida to improve inclusion rates and makes four recommendations for California, including implementing a data system, targeted support for districts with poor inclusion rates, and an inclusion tool for schools and districts to assess their practices.
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This brief highlights California's Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), which assists struggling students. The inadequate resourcing of Tier 2 services is nevertheless preventing progress in reading and math, as California ranks 38th in the nation. Categorical funding is necessary to provide additional personnel, such as instructional aides and clerical staff, to assist teachers with implementing MTSS effectively.


This brief outlines the necessary steps to integrate care systems and improve outcomes for California's children. It suggests forming a statewide interagency leadership council and recommends policy reforms to promote collaboration, integration, and service delivery. The goal is to create a "Whole System" approach that integrates child-serving agencies and organizations. A full commitment from the state administration is needed to achieve these solutions at scale.
Views from the 2020 PACE/USC Rossier Poll


In the run-up to 2020 elections, where do California voters stand on key education policy issues? This report examines findings and trends from the 2020 PACE/USC Rossier poll. Key findings include rising pessimism about California education and elected officials, continued concern about gun violence in schools and college affordability, and negative opinions about higher education. However, there is substantial support for increased spending, especially on teacher salaries.

A Progress Report One Year After Getting Down to Facts II


The 2018 Getting Down to Facts II research project drew attention to California’s continued need to focus on the achievement gap, strengthen the capacity of educators in support of continuous improvement, and attend to both the adequacy and stability of funding for schools. Based on the nature of the issues and the progress made in 2019, some clear next steps deserve attention as 2020 unfolds.

The Scale and Distribution of Community College Participation Among California High School Students


California has sought to increase high school students’ access to college courses through dual enrollment. This brief matches high school and community college datasets, revealing that 12.6% of state high school students take college courses, higher than the national average. However, Latinx and African American students, as well as socioeconomically disadvantaged students, were underrepresented in community college course-taking. The vast majority of California public high schools lack formal dual enrollment programs, limiting access to an important onramp to the early college experience.

Implementation Challenges and Successes from Two District Cases
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The Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) in California was designed to increase flexibility, transparency, and equity in school districts. This report examines how Los Banos Unified School District and Chino Valley Unified School District used the LCFF to serve English Language Learners (ELLs). Both districts used the LCFF to create advocacy spaces and develop internal coherence to benefit ELLs with locally devised mechanisms and structures.

Challenges and Opportunities in California
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California Governor Gavin Newsom prioritized early childhood education with new funding. However, sustaining and building on preK progress remains challenging. PreK–3 alignment has shown to be effective in coordinating standards, curricula, instruction, assessments, and professional development. This study examines California’s preK–3 alignment landscape to better understand the challenges and recommends policy implications to prioritize alignment, offer training, and streamline licensing requirements.

Conditions Shaping Educators’ Use of Social-Emotional Learning Indicators
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This article explores the use of nonacademic indicators such as social and emotional well-being in educational improvement. The authors suggest that while there is little guidance on using these indicators, understanding the conditions that shape the use of academic data can help develop a framework for using social-emotional learning (SEL) indicators to inform practice. The article draws from sensemaking theory and research from a study of early adopter districts in California to develop this framework.
1987–88 Evaluation Report


This report presents findings from the third annual evaluation of Partnership Academy Programs in CA, a high school-based, state-funded program with a school-within-a-school administrative structure that enrolls at-risk students with academic potential. The program provides students with basic job skills in a promising labor-market field and support from local businesses, including curriculum development, guest speakers, field trips, mentors, and work experience positions. The evaluation addresses the quality of program implementation and the degree to which programs follow the academy model.
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An inventory of 30 California districts reveals their policy stance on teacher professional development, which primarily consists of skill acquisition through district-led programs. Other sources, such as universities or professional communities, are less visible. The districts are the dominant providers of development opportunities, with expenditures reflecting a ready marketplace of predetermined programs. Alternative routes to professional growth are less evident.
A Hypothetical Account and Research Review
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This paper discusses childcare quality and its impact on child development. It highlights the need to consider various factors that contribute to quality and how they affect children's experiences. Presented is a hypothetical day in two different childcare situations to demonstrate the varying experiences children have. The characters and incidents are fictional but based on the author's real observations and experiences in early childhood programs in CA. The author emphasizes the need to promote quality early childhood programs informed by research in child development and early education.
Third-Year Results from Replications of the California Peninsula Academies


Evaluation of 11 California high school academies in 1987-88 found positive in-school outcomes. Academies combine academic and vocational courses to reduce dropout rates. Graduation rates available for one grade-level cohort, with an estimated net benefit of $1.0-1.3 million from dropout prevention.
An Exploration of the Debate on School District Size
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The notion that larger school districts are superior has changed, with some researchers advocating for smaller ones. Recent reform reports have focused on the school site as the decision-making seat. Three main issues guide district size research: fiscal efficiency, school effectiveness, and community identity. Although research has been conducted, there is still no definitive answer. This article explores the research and debate on the "right" size for school districts and identifies unanswered questions, hoping to kindle interest in further research.
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California's growing child population will require significant increases in public spending, particularly in education due to immigration, working parents, poverty, and family disorganization. Counties and school districts bear the brunt of providing children's services, but cities have greater fiscal flexibility and revenue-raising potential. This paper provides information on county children's services and trends in county budgets to support further research on county financing for children's services.
1960 to 1988
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Public school funding in the US has seen continuous increases in real funding since 1960, reflecting strong citizen support for public schools and a growing economy. Despite pessimism and recession in the 1980s, real school funding continued to increase substantially. This report provides an overview of school revenues and funding increases needed for education reforms, and details changes in education finance during the 1980s, comparing increases to the levels needed to fund proposed reforms.
Chapter Highlights


This report provides social indicators to evaluate the quality of life for children in California, covering physical and mental health, safety, sexual behavior, academic achievement, and the settings and systems that serve children. Despite most children being healthier and better schooled than in the past, recent polls indicate concern about child-rearing and the likelihood of an expanding educational underclass. The report aims to offer a portrait of the quality of California's children, address gaps in available data, and provide limited policy recommendations.
Broadening the Vision of School Labor-Management Relations—A First-Year Progress Report


The Trust Agreement Project aimed to develop new forms of school organization and relationships among teachers and administrators. Six California school districts participated, each selecting an educational policy area for trust agreement development. Trust agreements produced role changes, fostered collaboration, and altered decision-making. These initial results show promise in leaping school districts from the 19th-century industrial model to a more appropriate 21st-century model.
Looking Backward and Forward
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1983 marked the beginning of state education reform with the release of the Nation at Risk report. Although many states had already passed education legislation, the last states joined in 1987. The reform's diffusion and breadth is impressive, and its consistency in concept makes it a hallmark in state policymaking. With initial statutes based on the 1983 concepts completed, the question remains whether a second wave will occur or if momentum has been spent.
What Did Senate Bill 813 Buy?


California's K-12 schools are supported by a vast amount of public money, and education financing has become an intensely political issue. This report analyzes school financing outcomes, including equity, efficiency, distributional consequences, and academic rigor, and addresses the conditions of school finance equality. The report seeks to provide answers to important questions about the amount of money being spent, how it compares to other states, who benefits from the funding, and whether added state funds have bought more rigorous schooling.
Second-Year Results from Replications of the California Peninsula Academies


This article discusses the results of replicating the California Peninsula Academies model in 10 high schools. The model provides technical instruction in an occupational field, alongside core academic curriculum, and is designed to prevent dropouts. Evidence suggests that Academy students performed better in terms of grades and course credits compared to students in comparison groups, particularly at three sites.