

California has added student attendance to its accountability system to emphasize its importance, but chronic absenteeism's causes are not well-understood. Schools face the expectation to address absenteeism, but myths about attendance persist. The brief covers local efforts to improve attendance and highlights the steps required to build schools' and communities' capacity to get and keep kids in school.
Opportunities for Research, Policy, and Practice


This brief discusses the challenges of fragmented and misaligned public education and proposes intersegmental collaborations as a solution. Effective collaboration between high school and college, between higher education systems, and between education and economic development sectors can increase student success. Bridging research, policy, and practice is crucial for the sustainability of these collaborations and to improve outcomes for students. The brief provides lessons for effective collaboration and highlights opportunities for bridging research, policy, and practice.


Governor Gavin Newsom’s budget proposal for 2019–2020 includes $10 million to develop a statewide longitudinal data system—including early education, K–12, and higher education institutions as well as health and human services agencies—to better track student outcomes and improve alignment of the education system to workforce needs. California’s lack of a coherent education database serves as a substantial barrier to fulfilling the state’s continuous improvement policy goal and ensuring all students have access to robust learning opportunities to enable them to be successful in school and...


Community engagement remains one of the most challenging expectations of California’s Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), so much so that state leaders have funded an initiative to support regional networks focused on engagement. This brief shares insights from a session where a lead administrator from the San Bernardino County Office provided an update on that initiative. Other speakers shared their on-the-ground experiences working with educators, parents, and students to create the relationships needed for community stakeholder engagement to be consistent, meaningful, and productive.
The Challenges and Solutions from Multiple Perspectives
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This brief identifies persistent challenges in serving students with disabilities in California despite recent policy changes. It highlights the need for additional policy action such as increased funding, modified governance, and accountability structures, and expanded teacher preparation and training. The brief also showcases several public school districts and charter schools finding ways to meet the needs of students with disabilities in the current policy context.
Promising Practices
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The Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) changed California's education policy in 2013 by transferring control of most education dollars to local school districts. It aims to address educational inequities and empower districts to allocate resources to meet students' needs. This brief examines promising practices of three school districts implementing LCFF's equity mission and highlights the new role of county offices of education.
Challenges and Possibilities


In recent years, California has invested in improving early childhood education programs. Research shows the importance of high-quality early childhood education, but the disconnect from K–12 education threatens its long-term benefits. If the early grades do not build on the gains made in preschool, they likely will be lost. This brief, based on a longer technical report , describes the challenges facing pre-K–3 alignment and offers promising practices and policy recommendations.
Promising Practices From the Field


California needs a longitudinal data system to improve student outcomes. Meanwhile, regional partnerships between education institutions and community organizations are using data to improve outcomes. A guide was created to help leaders with data sharing and use, and presents the components of effective regional efforts around data sharing and use, with tools to dive deeper into specific factors within each component. The guide aims to serve as a framework, tool for reflection, and networking resource for intersegmental leaders.



California's K-12 public school districts, institutions of higher education, and community organizations are collaborating to improve educational and labor market outcomes. This Resource Guide, based on a qualitative research project, provides intersegmental partnerships with tools to support the development, planning, and monitoring of their data practices. The guide includes critical components of effective strategies for data sharing and use, and can be used as a framework, reflection tool, and networking resource.
Practices and Supports Employed in CORE Districts and Schools


This study explores ten "outlier schools" in California's CORE districts that have strong social-emotional learning outcomes. The brief and infographic summarize the various practices found in these schools and the common implementation challenges faced. The findings offer lessons that can help other schools and districts implement social-emotional learning at scale.

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Teacher recruitment and retention are critical responsibilities of school districts. The challenge of finding, supporting and retaining good teachers requires innovative solutions collaboratively developed by diverse stakeholders. This brief highlights the efforts of four Northern California school districts to address human resource challenges and hire, develop and retain high quality teachers, which represent promising strategies for other districts across California.

A Smart Investment for California School Districts


Flexible funding formulas have made high-quality summer learning programs more accessible for school districts seeking to close the achievement gap. Programs that combine engaging summer camp activities with intentional learning goals can help students develop a love of learning and prevent summer learning loss. These programs incorporate lesson plans and evaluations of learning into a fun and engaging environment.
Lessons from Colombia
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Child poverty in California limits educational success for disadvantaged children, but schools struggle to identify effective solutions. Colombia's Escuela Nueva model has successfully educated marginalized rural children since 1975, raising academic and non-cognitive outcomes in tens of thousands of schools worldwide. This brief describes how Escuela Nueva works and discusses how California's schools might implement core aspects of the model to better serve disadvantaged students.
A Powerful Strategy for Equity


Achievement gaps in education cannot be solved by looking at the school day alone, as young people also have varied experiences outside of school. Free and affordable learning experiences after school and in the summer are essential strategies for equalizing student outcomes. California districts have greater regulatory and financial flexibility to address achievement gaps under the Local Control Funding Formula. This brief describes how local education leaders are mobilizing expanded learning to close the opportunity gap and recommends key steps for districts.
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The Local Control Funding Formula gives local education leaders more power to allocate resources, but requires strategic budgeting practices to prioritize goals and make necessary tradeoffs. Three recommendations include integrating budgeting with strategic planning, focusing on critical questions, and developing internal structures to sustain strategic budgeting. These practices improve district policies and performance of local schools and students.

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California's education system is fragmented, with separate governance structures and funding sources for K-12, community colleges, and universities. To address educational issues, intersegmental partnerships are needed to promote collaboration among the different segments. Local partnerships can strengthen alignment in standards and expectations between K-12 and post-secondary education and help students progress through the system more efficiently.
Promoting College Access in Fresno Unified School District


California's Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) requires districts to report student performance measures and use state and local data to monitor progress towards preparing students for college, career, and citizenship. Fresno Unified School District (FUSD) utilized principles of Improvement Science and a data dashboard to increase college access for students, in partnership with the University of California, Merced.