The Technology Is New, but the Challenges Are Familiar
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Optimists believe AI will partner with teachers to provide customized learning resources, digital tutors, and innovative experiences tailored to individual students’ needs. Pessimists express concerns about the potential dehumanization of education, arguing that AI could increase students' reliance on digital tools, reduce meaningful human interactions, and perpetuate biases and misinformation. In this article, the authors highlight the need for education leaders and policymakers to navigate the use of AI with care, balancing its transformative potential with its inherent risks.

Improvement Team Leads’ Perspectives on Fitting Improvement Work to Their Sites


This chapter in an edited book focuses on the work of two improvement network hubs in California as they tried to support participating districts and schools to improve the proportion of students “on-track” for post-secondary success. California has a particular stake in figuring out how to support districts in consistently using continuous improvement (CI) to achieve measurable gains in student outcomes because state policy (e.g., Local Control Funding Formula, California’s Every Student Succeeds Act Plan) prescribes CI as the approach to improvement in its accountability system.
How School Districts Craft Coherence Towards Continuous Improvement


This study uses qualitative case study methods to explore how educators establish system-wide continuous improvement capabilities and coherence for implementation, taking into consideration the local contexts. Educators use two bridging approaches to crafting coherence: weaving and stacking. The study contributes to understanding how leaders create shared meaning and practice in complex and dynamic educational systems. The implications for both research and practice are discussed.
Publication authors


This study explores the impact of reclassification on social-emotional learning skills (SEL) of English learners (ELs) in grades 4 to 8. Using a regression discontinuity design, the study found that reclassification improved academic self-efficacy by 0.2 standard deviations for students near the cutoff threshold. The results suggest that reclassification can positively influence the academic beliefs of ELs and the authors provide recommendations for districts to create practices that foster such positive beliefs.


This study explores the impact of county-level immigration arrests on the academic achievement, attendance, and perceptions of school climate and safety for Latinx and Latinx English learner students in California's CORE districts. The research found that there is a negative relationship between immigration arrests and these students' academic performance and school experiences. The study recommends policies and practices that can help schools and districts create safer, more welcoming environments for immigrant-origin students and families in the face of anti-immigrant actions.
Critical Actions for Recovery and the Role of Research in the Years Ahead


IES issued a report on the future of education research at the National Centers for Education Research and Special Education Research. The report identifies issues, details new methods and research investments needed in the future. PACE produced a paper to synthesize existing evidence in the field and frame recommendations. Public input and outside experts were also consulted.

The Impact of Unmotivated Questionnaire Responding on Data Quality
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This article explores the issue of satisficing, which is suboptimal responding on surveys, in the context of a large-scale social-emotional learning survey administered to over 400,000 elementary and secondary students. Despite concerns about its impact on data quality, the study found that satisficing had a more modest effect than expected. The article offers an approach for defining and calculating satisficing for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to improve the quality of survey data.


The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant negative effect on the oral reading fluency (ORF) of US students in grades 2-3 in over 100 school districts, with students falling 30% behind expectations. While there was some recovery in the fall, it was insufficient to make up for the spring losses. The impact is particularly inequitable, with lower achieving schools being hit harder, and 10% of students not being assessed. Addressing accumulated learning losses and supporting struggling students is necessary.

Insights from California's Local Control Funding Formula


This policy brief focuses on California’s Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) to provide guidance for involving the public in goal setting and resource distribution decisions. It highlights weak accountability for using public funds by LCFF’s target populations, low awareness and engagement among stakeholders, and a gap between interest and participation. To improve engagement, it suggests investing in communication, targeting a range of stakeholders, and capacity building.


This article assesses confusion due to negative wording on social-emotional learning (SEL) assessments using mixture IRT models. Results based on student self-reports show confusion biasing scores, especially in Grades 3-5, and correlational relationships between SEL constructs and reading proficiency and ELL status. Using positively oriented items in future SEL measures is recommended to address these issues.
Evidence From the First Large-Scale Panel Student Survey


Self-report surveys are used to track students’ social-emotional development. This large-scale panel survey reveals that self-efficacy, social awareness, and self-management decrease after Grade 6, except for growth mindset. Female students report higher self-management and social awareness but lower self-efficacy than males in middle and high school. Students of color and economically disadvantaged students report lower levels of each construct. Policymakers should consider these trends and use self-reports to target interventions and resources.


California's CORE districts have been collecting data since 2014 on social and emotional learning (SEL) and school climate and culture to improve K-12 schools' holistic approach to student development. Advocates argue that a focus on SEL and school culture will lead to higher academic achievement and better well-being for students. The CORE districts developed survey instruments for SEL competencies and school climate perceptions involving students, staff, and parents. Many states and districts have adopted SEL-specific curricula and disciplinary reforms.
Conditions Shaping Educators’ Use of Social-Emotional Learning Indicators
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This article explores the use of nonacademic indicators such as social and emotional well-being in educational improvement. The authors suggest that while there is little guidance on using these indicators, understanding the conditions that shape the use of academic data can help develop a framework for using social-emotional learning (SEL) indicators to inform practice. The article draws from sensemaking theory and research from a study of early adopter districts in California to develop this framework.
The Impact of Unmotivated Questionnaire Respondents on Data Quality
Publication authors


This paper investigates the effect of student satisficing, the act of providing suboptimal survey responses, on data quality in a large-scale social-emotional learning survey. The study examines the prevalence and impact of satisficing among 409,721 students and finds that its effect on data quality is less significant than expected. The paper offers a practical approach to defining and calculating satisficing, useful for researchers, policymakers, and practitioners working with large-scale datasets.


This paper uses mixture IRT models to evaluate whether students experience confusion due to negative wording of items on a social-emotional learning assessment. It examines the consequences of confusion on student- and school-level scores and correlations with student-level variables, finding that confusion is present and most prevalent in lower grades, and is related to reading proficiency and ELL status. The study recommends the use of positively oriented items in future SEL measures, and suggests bias corrections based on the studied mixture model to maintain measurement continuity.
Findings From the First Large-Scale Panel Survey of Students


This article discusses the use of standardized tests as the primary tool for assessing school-level growth in student outcomes, despite the emerging importance of social-emotional learning (SEL). It presents results from large-scale surveys of students on SEL constructs, and finds significant differences across schools in SEL growth, with magnitudes of differences similar to those for academic achievement. However, caution is recommended in interpreting measures as causal impacts of schools on SEL, as the goodness of fit of the value-added model was considerably lower for SEL measures.
Insights from Outlier Schools


This paper explores social-emotional learning (SEL) practices in ten middle schools and their impact on students' outcomes. Despite the growing recognition of the importance of SEL, many schools struggle to implement effective strategies. The paper focuses on schools with strong student-reported data on SEL outcomes, particularly for African American and Latinx students.
Evidence from California
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This paper examines how the growth of charter schools affects traditional public schools' financial health in California. The study finds that higher charter enrollment is associated with lower per-pupil spending and fiscal health in traditional public schools, but the effects are smaller than in other states. However, the proportion of expenditures allocated to different activities, goods, or services does not differ. The paper provides lessons for policymakers and suggests that California's economic and policy context may explain the differences from similar analyses in other states.


This report examines the stability of school effects on social-emotional learning (SEL) over two years in California's CORE districts. The correlations among school effects in the same grades across different years are positive but lower than those for math and ELA. While these effects measure real contributions to SEL, their low stability draws into question whether including them in school performance frameworks and systems would be beneficial.

Describing Chronically Absent Students, the Schools They Attend, and Implications for Accountability
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In "Absent from School," PACE Executive Director Heather J. Hough analyzes student absenteeism using data from California's CORE districts. She explores the differences in absenteeism rates among students and schools, comparing them to other performance indicators. Dr. Hough also examines how schools' performance on chronic absence metrics corresponds to other accountability measures, highlighting the implications for reporting school-level measures of chronic absenteeism.



This article uses case studies to explore how district administrators' conceptions of equity relate to finance reform implementation. The authors identify two conceptions of equity: greater resources for students with greater needs, and equal distribution of resources for all students. These beliefs were reflected in resource allocation decisions and were informed by districts' student demographics, organizational identities, and perceptions of adequacy.
Charting Their Experiences and Mapping Their Futures in California Schools
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California's 1.3 million English learner (EL) students have diverse needs, and many lack access to grade-level content instruction, with English language development falling short. Bilingual and dual immersion programs benefit ELs' academic, linguistic, social, and life outcomes, but reclassification policies are currently in flux. Early-career teachers may not be adequately prepared to teach ELs, and funding mechanisms are weak. EL outcomes are complex to interpret as students move in and out of the subgroup, and education sectors are not aligned to address ELs' needs.

Implementing the Local Control Funding Formula
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The Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) provides base funding and grants for low-income students, English learners, and foster youth, and allows local school systems to allocate resources as they see fit. The LCFFRC conducted a survey of 350 California superintendents to understand their experiences with and views of the law. Results inform policymakers and indicate areas where changes may be needed. The survey sample included districts of varying sizes and proportions of unduplicated students.
Evidence from the CORE Districts


This study examines how social-emotional skills develop from Grade 4 to Grade 12 and vary by gender, socioeconomic status, and race/ethnicity. Based on self-report student surveys administered to around 400,000 students in California, the study finds that social-emotional skills do not increase uniformly and vary across subgroups. Females have higher social awareness but lower self-efficacy than males. Economically disadvantaged students show improvement in high school. White students report higher social-emotional skills than African American and Latinx students.
Findings from the First Large-Scale Panel Survey of Students


This paper examines the use of social-emotional learning (SEL) measures to evaluate school-level growth in student outcomes. The study finds substantial differences across schools in SEL growth, suggesting that schools may contribute to students' SEL. However, caution is recommended in interpreting measures as the causal impacts of schools on SEL due to potential measurement error and omitted variables bias.