An Update on Dual Enrollment Participation Among Public High School Graduates


California policymakers and educators are promoting dual enrollment to boost educational attainment and equal access to postsecondary opportunities. Assembly Bill 288, enacted in 2016, encouraged high school-community college collaboration, and funding for dual enrollment has increased. Local educators are working to expand programs and support student success. Participation grew steadily from 2015–16 to 2019–20, but stalled in 2020–21 and 2021–22, likely due to the COVID-19 pandemic's impact on dual enrollment opportunities.

Voices From the Class of 2023


This brief examines the experiences of California high school seniors from the graduating class of 2023, offering insights into their preparation, plans, and concerns for college prior to enrollment. Drawing on results from a large-scale survey of seniors, the findings reveal important variation in students’ secondary school experiences and their plans for college, particularly by race/ethnicity and gender identity. As students’ experiences in high school influence concerns about their college futures.
Dual Enrollment Participation From 9th to 12th Grade


This infographic, from PACE and Wheelhouse, examines participation in dual enrollment among 9th to 12th graders. The data show that about 10 percent of all California public high school students enrolled in community college courses in 2021–22, but these rates vary from zero to 97 percent depending on locality. Analysis demonstrates that dual enrollment participation is unequally distributed across racial/ethnic and socioeconomic groups as well as geography. The evidence demonstrates the potential of improving early access to dual enrollment in 9th grade for closing these equity gaps.



This extended infographic provides an updated look at Career Technical Education (CTE) pathway completion among California public high school graduates and at how completion patterns vary by student race/ethnicity, gender, and CTE industry sector.
Improvement Team Leads’ Perspectives on Fitting Improvement Work to Their Sites


This chapter in an edited book focuses on the work of two improvement network hubs in California as they tried to support participating districts and schools to improve the proportion of students “on-track” for post-secondary success. California has a particular stake in figuring out how to support districts in consistently using continuous improvement (CI) to achieve measurable gains in student outcomes because state policy (e.g., Local Control Funding Formula, California’s Every Student Succeeds Act Plan) prescribes CI as the approach to improvement in its accountability system.
Insights and Strategies From Exemplar School Districts
Publication author


This resource guide addresses a key problem that many district and school leaders in California face: how to increase student enrollment and success in A–G courses to reduce equity gaps in college eligibility. Developed from a qualitative research study that examined the policies and practices of nine school districts in California with A–G completion rates surpassing the overall statewide rate, the guide presents strategies, tools, and resources to address challenges with A–G course alignment, counseling, and scheduling.


Completing the A–G course sequence is the standard pathway to college for CA high school graduates; however, findings indicate substantial variation in A–G enrollment and completion rates across student subgroups and schools. This brief describes the distribution in access to and success in A–G courses as well as strategies local leaders could consider to increase these rates among the students they serve. Drawing on case studies of nine public school districts with exemplary A–G completion rates, we highlight best practices to broaden A–G access for students and ease barriers to completion.


Access to and success in advanced math courses are not equal among high school students, with only about half of California seniors enrolling in these courses. To address this, six partnerships between university faculty and high school math specialists developed Advanced Innovative Math (AIM) courses. This report highlights the benefits of these partnerships and their common features of successful intersegmental partnerships, supplemented by case studies of each partnership.
An Updated Look at High School Math Course-Taking in California


This infographic presents updated research on high school students' access to rigorous and inclusive math curricula that prepare them for college and career success. The data shows troubling disparities in access to and success in advanced math courses, which highlights the need to diversify high school math pathways. The descriptions provided can help inform efforts to increase access and equity in math education.
The 2022 PACE/USC Rossier Poll


The 2021-22 academic year in California was challenging for public education due to eight issues that threaten student learning, schools, and public education itself, including gun violence, declining enrollment, and long-term funding inadequacy. These issues also have a disproportionate impact on marginalized communities and highlight long-standing systemic inequities. In July 2022, PACE and USC Rossier School of Education conducted a poll of California voters to determine their views and priorities on public education.



Assembly Bill 705 in California allows ELs to enroll in college-level English composition, and colleges must design curricula and placement practices that maximize English completion. ELs who graduated from US high schools and enrolled directly in college-level English had higher throughput rates than those directed to ESL Pathway. Recommendations include improving EL placement, integrating English support in academic instruction, and better tracking EL academic pathways in administrative data sets.
Evidence from the 2021 PACE/USC Rossier Annual Poll


The 2021 PACE/USC Rossier poll examines Californians’ views on higher education during COVID-19, highlighting equity and affordability. Californians recognize college affordability as crucial and support remote learning options, community college funding, loan forgiveness, and equitable admissions. However, they worry that increased access may compromise education quality and believe that universities should only consider academic and extracurricular qualifications, not race or income. Political affiliation and race influence perceptions.
Dual Enrollment is Growing Among California High School Students


Research shows that dual enrollment benefits high school students in both systems. However, a lack of integrated data systems in California has limited understanding of participation rates. UC Davis researchers matched datasets to reveal 18.2% of California high school students took a college course at a community college during 2018-19. Participation has grown, but disparities persist, particularly for Latinx, Black, and socioeconomically disadvantaged students. These equity concerns are significant given the benefits of dual enrollment.
A Promise to What, for Whom, and Where?
Publication authors


This brief describes the types of college promises that exist in the state of California. In doing so, we summarize existing research on this topic. Furthermore, we provide a framework to study the California Promise Program in community colleges in California. We use publicly available data to highlight key aspects of our proposed framework: What are we promising, to whom, and where? We end our brief by providing key recommendations to ensure that the promise extends to the most vulnerable groups of students to help in closing equity gaps in college degree and completion in California.
A Summary of the PACE Policy Research Panel
Publication authors


Over 725,000 California K-12 students received special education services in 2018-19, but the system is not always equipped to serve them. Early screening, identification, and intervention, as well as better transitions, educator support, and mental/physical health services, need improvement. A Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) framework in schools could address SWDs' needs, but it requires additional resources and policy support to improve educator capacity and collaboration between agencies while systematizing data on SWDs.
Publication authors


Students with disabilities should be included in programs that prepare them for life after high school. This can be achieved through a K-14 work-based learning model, which involves strengthening expectations, leveraging opportunities, and integrating supports. Early implementation of these actions is encouraged, along with specific policy recommendations for California.

Publication authors


Preparing youth with disabilities for adulthood can be challenging, requiring additional supports and coordinated planning. Effective practices, such as family involvement, inclusion in general education, and interagency collaboration, can facilitate successful transitions to employment, postsecondary education, and community living. School districts must work with families, employers, and community agencies to implement these practices.
Views from the 2020 PACE/USC Rossier Poll


In the run-up to 2020 elections, where do California voters stand on key education policy issues? This report examines findings and trends from the 2020 PACE/USC Rossier poll. Key findings include rising pessimism about California education and elected officials, continued concern about gun violence in schools and college affordability, and negative opinions about higher education. However, there is substantial support for increased spending, especially on teacher salaries.

The Scale and Distribution of Community College Participation Among California High School Students


California has sought to increase high school students’ access to college courses through dual enrollment. This brief matches high school and community college datasets, revealing that 12.6% of state high school students take college courses, higher than the national average. However, Latinx and African American students, as well as socioeconomically disadvantaged students, were underrepresented in community college course-taking. The vast majority of California public high schools lack formal dual enrollment programs, limiting access to an important onramp to the early college experience.

Publication authors


This brief examines the use of student test scores in teacher evaluations in CA. It argues that current evaluation methods are not effective, and that alternative methods of measuring teacher effectiveness, such as peer evaluations and student surveys, should be explored. The brief also discusses the potential consequences of over-reliance on test scores, such as teaching to the test and neglecting non-tested subjects. It concludes that teacher evaluations should be designed to provide useful feedback for professional development, rather than being used solely for accountability purposes.
School Finance and Governance in California


Getting Down to Facts is an extensive investigation of CA's public education system commissioned by a bipartisan group of CA leaders. The project aimed to describe California's school finance and governance systems, identify obstacles hindering resource utilization, and estimate costs to achieve student outcome goals. The project resulted in 23 reports by scholars, which highlight that the current school finance and governance systems fail to help students achieve state performance goals, particularly those from low-income families. The reports provide a framework for assessing reform options.
Understanding California's High School Dropouts
Publication author


The Partnership for Urban Education Research (PUER) comprises six of California's largest urban school districts working together to increase data availability, enhance internal research capacity, and promote collaboration and information sharing across district lines to benefit students. In a new report, PUER districts identified opportunities to improve the current dropout reporting system and reviewed district efforts to reduce dropout rates. PUER is working with PACE to review and publish their research.
How the First Semester Matters for Community College Students’ Aspirations and Persistence
Publication author


This policy brief argues that expanding access to community college alone will not prepare California's workforce for the 21st century. It shows that many high school graduates who enter community college with the goal of transferring to four-year colleges do not make it through their first semester with their goals intact. Providing additional guidance and support during the first semester could improve student persistence and transfer rates, as the first semester is crucial in shaping students' post-secondary academic careers.
Options for California
Publication authors


This policy brief examines accountability in California's education system, calling for a comprehensive approach that measures student outcomes and addresses systemic factors. The authors emphasize stakeholder engagement and local capacity building, and suggest a balanced approach that promotes continuous improvement for California's diverse student population.
Options for California
Publication authors


This policy brief advocates for the expansion of career-technical education (CTE) in California's high schools through a CTE/multiple pathways approach. The authors argue that this approach integrates academic and occupational content, is more effective for students, and addresses criticisms of high schools. They propose building on existing CTE practices and providing funding, technical assistance, professional development, curriculum development, work-based learning opportunities, and data monitoring to support the expansion of CTE/multiple pathways.